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About Aegis

  • Birthday 07/12/1992

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  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Programming, Graphic Design, Gaming and Fashion

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  1. Hey, I'm Andrew. I've been making games for 7 years now and have experience on the programming and art side of things. I can do art for all aspects of the game - characters, backgrounds, GUI, logo, promo material or any other specific asset you may need. I can also do a range of art-styles to match your game's theme and design brief. I work at £13 per hour but can work at a fixed price too if you have an asset list. I'm a fast worker and good with deadlines and will do a few test assets for you before you commit to me so you know what direction I'm going in. Below is a collection of my art, If you have any inquires or want to see more examples you can message me on here or email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you soon ? One of my games RabbitShark: Some free assets I made: And the logos from some of my games: Thanks for looking!
  2. Hi guys, so I've been asked to integrate this API But I have no idea how to go about this in Game Maker: Studio. Is it possible? If someone with experience in Game Maker could help me that would be fantastic. If you need more information then feel free to ask. Again, it's much appreciated!
  3. Wow! Thank you so much! The article and example code really helped me understand the logic behind it. I'm implementing it in my upcoming game right now. Thanks again and good luck in your future endeavours
  4. Very addictive and a cool concept! P.S maybe change the title to something more catchy like... puncher plane/airballoon assault...etc
  5. I had a lot of fun playing. Great game! I was just wondering about the method you use to scale your games to fit all different screen sizes. It works incredibly well. I was interesting in implementing it in my games. If you could elaborate on it, that would be amazing. Thanks!
  6. Looks like a great game. I'd recommend changing the logo though, since it doesn't really show off the awesome game you guys have made.
  7. The gameplay was really fun. I thought it was way to easy to get everything though. Don't know if that was the purpose. Had a lot of fun playing. Good luck!
  8. You know you could just post a new reply to your first topic, instead of making a new topic for each gamekit.
  9. Really nice. Did you do the art for Battle Fish? Also isn't that last image Fruit Ninja?
  10. Flappy Bird is click while this is constant touch, gravity is obvious, as it's a flying game and continuous scrolling is the only way to make an endless side scroller game. Do I even need to mention avoiding objects. I mean avoiding objects are in at least 20-30% of all games nowadays. All the things you listed have been done in a million games before Flappy Bird was made. Just because it went viral doesn't mean games which were being made way before Flappy Bird (What Dong Nguyen based his game off) are now "flappy-style" games.
  11. It annoys me that any game which tries to be addicting is called a "flappy-style" game. It's really, really not. Can you even show one similarity to Flappy Bird to me. Nyan cat, maybe. Flappy Bird, no.
  12. Haha, thank you, my name's Alena but you don't have to.
  13. Nice! Should have been called Questmas though.
  14. Think I came across an error, while your money is going up to the amount you collected, if you buy things while it's doing this it doesn't charge you.
  15. I think it needs to be more clear how to get three stars without actually saying how to get three stars. It should just be obvious to the player that you need to complete it in a certain amount of time and get everyone to safety to get three stars. The first and third stars you've done a good job of implementing. Maybe you could implement something like this for the second: Instead of how many people you've saved out of how many you need to save, you have a percentage of how many people are left over the percentage you need to save to pass. At the start it will be at 100% obviously and as you lose people it will decrease. When it's at 100% a little gold star will be in the top right corner of the percentage to show that you'll get the third star. It's completed when all people are saved or dead. Whatever percentage you have at the end is then checked against the percentage needed to pass. Would this work?
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