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About Mickawesomesque

  • Birthday 02/09/1990

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  1. For this to work you need a gh-pages branch containing the files you wish to use for your website. You may want to look here: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-project-pages-manually/ And for more informations: https://help.github.com/categories/github-pages-basics/ EDIT: Oups, wrong answer! It's actually working, but since you put your index.html in the game folder, you can't access it at http://glassysky.github.io/ but at http://glassysky.github.io/game/ So you might want to move the index.html to the root of your repo or read the help pages I linked in my initial answer to make a website for each of your games/projects (better, since it looks like what you kinda wanted to do in the first place by putting your game in its own folder).
  2. Mickawesomesque


    Code inComplete is a great blog with lots of resources on gamedev and many articles on how to implement some games: from Pong to Gauntlet (!), there's also a Tetris clone and it always comes with the sources. Enjoy: http://codeincomplete.com/posts/2011/10/10/javascript_tetris/
  3. You could use the following function: game.add.existing(object) // Where object is "an instance of Phaser.Sprite, Phaser.Button or any other display object"(Check out the documentation: http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.GameObjectFactory.html#existing)
  4. Hi, When you use Phaser.Game to create your game, you can pass a pre-existing canvas element in the arguments: Game(width, height, renderer, parent, state, transparent, antialias, physicsConfig)Where "parent" should be the id of your canvas. More details here: http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.Game.html Hope that was what you were looking for!
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