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enpu last won the day on February 3 2021

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About enpu

  • Birthday 04/21/1985

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  1. Great to hear that it worked! I will try to find fix for the Dark Mode asap!
  2. This seems to have something to do with the Windows Dark Mode. Can you try to turn it off and try again?
  3. Can you post your log file? %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Panda 2\log.log
  4. Three full game source codes now available for download: https://www.panda2.io/sources These are totally free, if you have Panda 2 license.
  5. Download: https://www.panda2.io/plugins#vr
  6. Look at the Loader class. There is lots of attributes, that you can modify to change the loader appearance: http://panda2.io/docs/api/Loader Also there is tutorial on how to create custom loader: http://panda2.io/tutorials/loader
  7. Yes it is using WebGL. You can enable 3D rendering on Panda with Three.js plugin: https://www.panda2.io/plugins/three/docs
  8. @tkohey_sad I'm working on VR plugin
  9. Rotate floor to fit cubes and clear rows. Play: https://www.panda2.io/templates/cubes3d Download: https://www.panda2.io/templates#cubes3d
  10. enpu

    Video plugin

    Play MP4 videos in your games. Download: https://www.panda2.io/plugins/video
  11. Ah small mistake there. You need to first require the new module, before it appears in the modules tab.
  12. Hello all, I started this project while ago and, like some many others, never got it finished. Since i think it's pretty playable and shows the capabilities of Panda 2, i would share it with you. Hope you like it! Play here! Tested with latest Chrome on desktop. Made with Panda 2 game development platform.
  13. Panda uses it's own renderer. PixiJS plugin uses version 4.1.1
  14. Yeah i see the point, though that sounds a pretty big feature.
  15. You can export to web from the editor, this will create one JS file which includes everything. You can use that to share your demos.
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