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ivan.popelyshev last won the day on October 23 2024

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    Moscow, Russia
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    Pixi.js, Topcoder, Codeforces, ninjas and bombers

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  1. Duplicate issue? https://github.com/pixijs/pixijs/issues/10342
  2. you changed "texture.defaultAnchor", not "tmp.defaultAnchor"
  3. That's according to what i know about browser internals. Another thing is - you have to find out which context creation parameters to use. https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/getContext
  4. you have to check source code , if there's blendmodes at all in tilemap.
  5. Btw, plot-crypto-related stuff I did is under NDA ) cant help, except.. i can point you to https://github.com/gameofbombs/pixi-candles as a base if you are ready to write better shaders for such things ) 43k small bars should work fine there
  6. Please join the discord: https://discord.gg/D4u5ATmb Im not sure i have time to help with that, but others people better to ping there)
  7. good resizing shader problem is still opened. that looks like downscale fail, did you downscale it too much? If so, maybe enabling mipmaps on this baseTexture should help, though you have to make it always ON , because usually those textures aren't pow2. Sorry, dont have time to explain it (
  8. actually, there's https://codesandbox.io/s/pixi-round-mask-e3moe2 but i didnt make it into a plugin yet, and i dont think i'll make it into pixi plugin, im researching new webgpu analogue ) you can copy necessary code, and turn off round corners. Whole sprite is AA-ed
  9. sorry, the only solution for that is still 1px-2px border of transparent pixels around texture )
  10. PixiJS official discord: https://discord.gg/D4u5ATmb Thse things are better be done with someone online ) Btw I prefer UMD (no modules, just regular JS files) and it works for me in both pixi and threejs
  11. Please provide more information. If its about "separate circle to segments", yes, you have to adjust GraphicsUtils.CONST_ABOUT_CURVES_OR_SOMETHING_I_DONT_REMEMBER
  12. Just in case, here's custom render for v7: https://codesandbox.io/s/pixi7-custom-renderer-24nvhl You can adapt it to v6 with a few tweaks
  13. pixi-haeven should work for v6 just fine. What is the problem?
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