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JP91 last won the day on April 13 2014

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  1. maybe this will help. http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/5615-audio-is-not-working-on-phaser-game-wrapped-by-phonegap/
  2. Is "undefined" because this function is being called but not found. Check the code should appear there.
  3. This type of collision works well.
  4. No tienes un codigo que mostrar seria mas facil ayudarte.
  5. To Phaser3 greater integration of physical systems.
  6. Phaser has no limit. The Defiant Few very cool that game . All you've got to Phaser is amazing and what you get. Waiting for Phaser 2.1
  7. I would also pay for a mobile testing service , I find most useful.
  8. you can use can use revolute constraints https://googledrive.com/host/0B2Br6oKX-RFNYkJ0YlVtTWJ1UGM/index.html
  9. @morpbz thanks for the advice but I already had done but not included in the final version.
  10. I'm trying to simulate a little water movement.https://googledrive.com/host/0B2Br6oKX-RFNVmVRY0pHd3R3TGM/FLUIDOS.html
  11. mmm, if you remove collideWorldBounds if jump? pd: por los comentarios me imagino que hablas español , es raro no se si tenga que ver con esa comprobacion tu problema.
  12. a bit difficult, perhaps an indicator of strength or path, the idea has potential.
  13. jejejej a little disconcerting at first, you maybe a loading bar, it would be very cool with a horizontal scroll and they were appearing.
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