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Red Spark

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    Moscow, Russian Federation

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  1. Making games as a hobby is much more fun and liberating than doing that commercially. Commercial gamedev is one of those disciplines that doesn't pay well and will eat your soul alive.
  2. Hehe, times go by, years pass, but something never changes - TV is still plugging his book Golden dream to make your hobby your best source of income. Reach ikigai.
  3. Всем привет! Ищем PlayCanvas разработчика для работы над проектом: мини-игры в одном приложении на тему зимних видов спорта. Проект уже запущен, требуется лишь добавление контента в виде мини-игр, в рамках уже существующего фреймворка. От разработчика будет требоваться программирование игровой логики и участие в процессе создания игровых механик. Работа в паре с основным разработчиком, взаимодействие с художниками. Все покажем и расскажем! Работа удаленная, оплата почасовая. Сдача проекта - конец января. Ждем ссылок на ваши проекты с рассказом о себе на [email protected] (telegram: @tv8eye)
  4. In 2015 html5 tech was already sophisticated enough to make advenced 2d games a reality, but still there are no signs of them! I strongly believe the issue lies in the business model. It still can be fixed, but we need app store business models to crash first. So, let's wait till 2018 - 2020 and see
  5. I've never seen such a game on any html5 portal so I'm assuming they're not interested. Html5 is primarily a mobile target anyways, since html5 games usually serve as traffic pumps to native mobile games. It's where money are currently in.
  6. Simple web games are relatively easy to make, and very hard to monetize in any way, other that just driving insane amounts of traffic through them and displaying ads. And that space seems to be oversaturated already (collapsed in 2014-2015). More complex web games require a certain amount of expertise, the market is not saturated with them, so in theory they could become a good source of income for seasoned devs, just like it was in the golden era of Flash (2006 - 2010). But it's 2016 today, and yet nobody knows how to build a business around them and how to monetize them properly! IAPs on the web is a dead horse. Current bets are on rewarded videos, which bring in ~$10 in cpm - but they work ok only in certain genres, which rely on endogeneous value, stats grinding, etc. Supporting complex projects via donations and crowdfunding - can't say anything positive, seems to work well only for a few exceptions, largely adult games. I wish Amazon Underground became a success as a platform, which would encourage others to take this risk and invest money in competing platforms. Having your income tied to amount of time which the player spent in your game is an awesome proposition, and would encourage good game design and replayability. The downside is that this space would become oversaturated pretty fast too, so only good AI-driven recommendation engine would save it. In the long run $3k / mo is a pretty decent income for a professional indie gamedev, $5k / mo is rather outstanding already. So if you want to continue this career path brace yourself to migrate economically, somewhere in Thailand or Goa. It's not a good career choice for the 1st world country, but you can still pursue it and be happy if you move accordingly.
  7. I believe It's considered very non cost effective in terms of money spent to measurable knowledge outcome. Same thing will happen with VR education probably.
  8. Regarding PlayCanvas, you can actually import FBX to online editor, it will get converted to internal JSON format, then you download resulting JSON back to your system and use it in your local PlayCanvas setup.
  9. Looks great! I wish retro 64x64 gaming was financially feasible to develop for. Would love to make a few 'big' story-driven games in this format
  10. Technically every game that is built with html5 tech is html5 game, but we could improve that classification even further by distinguishing between pure html5 games and html5 builds of mobile games.
  11. Hello guys, My name is Anton and I'm a web game developer and graphic designer based in Moscow, Russia. My recent projects: http://redsparkzone.com/games/rez/ (code and art, phaser, made for licensing) https://apps.facebook.com/hitthegong/ (code and art, phaser, facebook, firebase, made for client) http://redsparkzone.com/temp/wordpuzzle/ (advergame, no libraries, made for client) Some examples of art: Also, I'm really interested in PlayCanvas technology, so here are a few prototypes: http://redsparkzone.com/totemwars/ (use arrow keys to move around and jump on platforms) http://redsparkzone.com/darkwave/ (features custom area light shader, use WASD to move around) My Upwork profile has excellent clients feedback: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~013459d7de994ee593 I'm looking for interesting projects to work on - full game development from scratch, game programming, game design, advergame development, consulting. My current rate is $20 - $30 per hour, depending on project size, complexity and so on. Advergames and mini-games usually come in $200 - $500 range, promotional facebook games - $1,000 - $2,000. Feel free to contact me at: email: [email protected] skype: matrosov.anton.777 Cheers!
  12. Hey Nathan, my name is Anton, I'm a Phaser developer and graphic designer. Feel free to drop me a message, I'll show you examples of my work and various clients feedback. email: [email protected] skype: matrosov.anton.777
  13. Thanks for this! Should I just call this.game.sound.unlock() on first interaction, or does it happen automatically under the hood? Can't readily test it on iDevice unfortunately, hence asking.
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