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  1. SkyzohKey

    I'm back

    I mean, try to select multiple items like you'd do on a Windows desktop on my Engine demo, you'll see what i mean PS: I'm SkyzohKey, from GitHub
  2. SkyzohKey

    I'm back

    Hey! Nice to see you back with the motivation to make Panda great again! Once you left I had started to code my own 2D engine, feel free to checkout the code if you want. Well that's not as well designed as Panda.js, but it has some features Panda doesn't has (mouse support, mouse selection, etc :p) Again, welcome back here at html5gamedevs ! Cdt, ThanosS aka. SkyzohKey
  3. The documentation about animations is outdated, it seems that the code for that in the v2 is not finished cuz I never succeeded at using animations, too. I think you'll have to write your own Animation system. x:
  4. I guess you could draw all your bitmaps on a temporary canvas then use getImageData on this canvas to draw on the real canvas your merged bitmap.
  5. Thanks for the interest you gave to my little project! I'll hardtest the engine once I implemented and optimized all of what I want to do, but currently PwassonEngine can handle ~500 physics bodies + 500 sprites linked to those bodies, i guess. EDIT: Just done a test, and with 1500 sprites + 1500 bodies, the demo project runs at 1 FPS, ahah, i need to optimize/refactor some code to make things faster EDIT2: Ok, the engine currently crash and stop updating with 2500 sprites + 2500 bodies. x') Another edit: You can now live try to hard test the demonstration, just click the "text-button" in top-right corner and enjoy
  6. Hey guys, Just wanted to show my little in-development game engine. I decided to create my own engine as Panda.js didn't got any updates for several months. The goal here is to have a lightweight but powerfull game engine with awesome performances, whatever the device is (ie. Android) while being able to use Canvas+ (so, no DOM is used as Canvas+ doesn't supports DOM). What I've already done: Game config via `config.js` file ; Game scenes ; Ultra-customizable Sprite class that allows to modify everything drawing related ; Mouse events support (click, move, hover, down, release, out) and Drag & Drop support ; Built-in physics engine (made on my own, so a bit hacky/buggy but I plan to fix these issues :p) ; Only redraw what needs to by using a simple variable on every scene children: `needsUpdate`. What I want to do: Implement built-in networking to allow multiplayer games/apps ; Implement UI elements like Text, Buttons, Scrollable panels, Inputs to allow devs to make real Canvas UI ; Fix the overall bugs ; Add some helper classes ; Maybe implement SAT.js for collisions detection/solving ; And finally, build the game I started this engine for :). So this is an "ambitious" project that aims to allow doing things other engines wasn't able to offer me. Source code (Gitlab): https://gitlab.com/skyzohkey/PwassonEngine Demonstration: https://skyzohkey.gitlab.io/PwassonEngine Feel free to contribute to the code, open issues if you find them, create issues for suggestions too. Or simply leave a message here. Thanks for reading, I hope I'll be able to drive this project the right way.
  7. CubeBattle CubeBattle aims to be a free (as in freedom, aswell as in price) 2d platformer online. You plays a Cube that have to get the Flag before other players. Each time you are first, your team won 3 points. The ultimate goal is to win a maximum of point to make your team become the #1 of CubeBattle ranking. Another interesting feature is that players are able to create and export their own maps on the server, letting other players to play on it. That way, every player can contribute improving the game while expressing it's mind. I built CubeBattle on my own, writing an own physical engine, an own drawing engine (even if the code is messy yet). I sincerely hope that I'll be able to get this project to a nice state You can play a prototype at the following: https://skyzohkey.itch.io/cube-battle Thanks for reading and feel free to report me any issues (even little ones) you might encounter while playing this prototype
  8. This cheatsheet isn't up-to-date with panda v2, here are the relevant links: v2 website: https://ekelokorpi.github.io/panda.js-site/ v2 docs: http://ekelokorpi.github.io/panda.js-site/engine/docs/ v2 playground: https://ekelokorpi.github.io/engine/playground
  9. Or call the setTexture() method.
  10. Just a quick post to signal that Electron now supports disabling raf throttling
  11. @PixelPicoSean feel free to ask @rich if it can makes a LesserPanda forum, I sure it would be glad
  12. Hey, Still working on my Bomberman-clone, today I was writing the Grid component and was looking for a way to check if everything was working properly. Nothing better than tests to check if everything is correct, so I wrote a quick but useful plugin to do... tests PandaTests is a plugin for Panda.js that permits to do assertions the right way. To learn more about this plugin, read the following samples. You can download it via GitHub since I finally created a repository for my plugins: PandaTests on GitHub Installation In order to install PandaTests, simply copy this file into your <project_root>/src/plugins folder. That's all ! You'll then have to require it whenever you want to use it in your code. (see the samples) Samples Basic usage File main.js: game.module('game.main') .require('plugins.tests') .body(function () { game.createScene('Main', { init: function () { // We first instanciate a Test object. var test = new game.Test(); // Then we proceed our tests. test.assert(true == true, 'true equals true'); // Test pass test.assert(true == false, 'true equals false'); // Test fails test.assert(0 == false, '0 equals false'); // Test pass test.assert('false' == false, '"false" equals false'); // Test fails // Now we can ask for tests results. test.showResults(); /** * -- Tests results -- * - Passed tests: 2 (50%) * - Failed tests: 2 (50%) * - Total tests: 4 * -- Tests results -- **/ // We can also reset tests results. test.resetCounters(); } }); });
  13. Udpated link for reference: http://phaser.io/docs/2.4.7/Phaser.Math.html#snapTo
  14. @MrKnubbles You're using PandaJS v1, which is pretty much dead. Let' switch to PandaJS v2. You can take a look at the following links that got updated for v2: New PandaJS website PandaJS docs v2 PandaJS playground v2 Hope you'll like Panda
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