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alex_h last won the day on March 23 2020

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  1. Ok thanks for your reply Ivan. I found it was easier to come up with an alternative approach to work around the problem in the end.
  2. Say I have two sprites, one the size of the screen, and one 100px circle in front of that. Both are interactive. The full screen one has a listener for pointerup events, and the circle in front has a listener to pointerdown events. Is there a way to make the circle allow pointerup events to continue to propagate so that if the user happens to pointerup over it, the event continues to get processed by the full screen sprite behind it? I am interested in solutions that work for all pixi versions >= 4
  3. Hey alex_h, 

    Wishing you well. 

    I'm reaching out as I'd like to have a further discussion based on a client I'm currently working with in the US. 

    I'm not sure if you've seen my post on the forum already, but here's a direct link. 

    Please let me know if this would be of interest to you. 

    If you would prefer to connect via email, here it is - [email protected]

  4. Thanks Ivan, I'll try out the boiler plate off of the wiki
  5. Hi, I've been using pixi for many years but previously always loaded pixi.min.js via a script tag in my index.html Now I need to set up a typescript project with pixi v5 installed from npm into my node modules, and using webpack (or possibly rollup ) as a module bundler. I'm using VSCode. I created a new project and ran npm init, installed typescript, wepback (+ typescript plugin), and pixi js. Added barebones tsconfig.json and webpack.config.js. I created a test entry.ts file that imports pixi and instantiates a sprite. All the documentation I have found by googling says that I should be able to import pixi like: import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'; but this isn't working for me. VSCode complains 'Cannot find module 'pixi.js'. I see the actual folder in node_modules is called @pixi is that related to the problem? How should I be importing pixi in my typescript files?
  6. I agree, it is highly likely to be the use of svg format that is causing the problem. If you turned them all into pngs instead and then made atlases from them with texturepacker then the game should run perfectly fine in both canvas and webgl modes. Kind of guessing though as I've also never used svg with pixi.js
  7. Ha ha, I see Well yes, that part can be a real bitch, agreed
  8. What means do you use to create the level layouts? I found the easiest way for me was to use an old copy of flash I had lying around, use that to drag and drop images into place and then use a custom jsfl script to export all their positions and names as json. It worked really well, used it for loads of different games. I hooked up the script to a keyboard shortcut so it was really quick, like instantaneous.
  9. Is the deal that aside from a small initial up front payment you then get paid on a basis of how many plays your game gets? Like a form of rev share?
  10. Just a tip, if you make yourself sound desperate then you open yourself up to a stronger chance of exploitation. Employers may well offer you less money because they know you are likely to still accept.
  11. It's also very simple to model yourself with just a couple of vectors, one for intial ball speed on the x and y planes, and one for gravity which you add to the ball y speed each update cycle. You can then elaborate by modifying the speed vector according to ball mass, etc
  12. What happens if you try running the game in Canvas2D mode instead of WebGL? If the problem changes or goes away then you confirmed it is to do with webgl rendering. If it stays then you know you were barking up the wrong tree
  13. They are now temporarily reverting the change.... until October https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=840866#c103
  14. alex_h

    Next step

    Hire whatever you need to complete the project you have taken on.
  15. I've found this 'Professional Photoshop Book' magazine series to be really good, just downloading a few editions onto an ipad and reading through the articles I learned tonnes of useful tips and techniques. https://issuu.com/nhantruong2/docs/the_professional_photoshop_book_-vo For the drawing style like the fox game graphics you linked to above you'd probably want to use Adobe Illustrator rather than photoshop though, so you could maybe give this magazine a try: https://issuu.com/futurepublishing/docs/cbz90_sampler
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