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julien-moreau last won the day on December 10 2021

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  1. @Excayou can follow the discussion here then https://github.com/pixijs/pixijs/discussions/8038
  2. Impressive reactivity @ivan.popelyshev! Just posted here https://github.com/pixijs/pixijs/discussions/8038
  3. Hi all! I hope you are fine! We are experiencing a strange graphics issue using the Samsung s21 with Android 12 (even chrome, firefox, etc.). We have several games developed using the awesome Pixi.JS v4.8.8 and, at some particular state of the renderer, the screen displays some gliches/flickers each frame. I'm part of the Babylon.JS core team so, for sure, I have firstly tried to reproduce using Babylon.JS Unfortunately I failed to reproduce so I decided to dig into the Pixi.JS source code. After some intuition and tries, I found that the problem is solved when all vertex buffers stored using the "STREAM_DRAW" hint become stored using the "STATIC_DRAW" hint. Both "STREAM_DRAW" and "DYNAMIC_DRAW" generate the problem, only "STATIC_DRAW" fixes the problem. Of course, I don't think the problem comes from Pixi.JS but more from the driver or the browser itself. It would be awesome if we can be sure of that together. As I'm not a Pixi.JS source code professional, I would really appreciate if you can confirm it can't come from the Pixi.JS WebGL renderer ❤️ I have shared 2 videos where you can see the flickering effect. You can also see that according to what is rendered, the problem looks different. In the stage there are only sprites and only 1 mesh (NineSlicePlane), no filter and not render target. WebGL context is created using default values (stencil: true, alpha: false, etc.). Also, I failed to reproduce in the Pixi.JS playground because I think the problem appears only in specific states, specific buffer sizes etc. Maybe that's why I failed to reproduce with Babylon.JS as well When I say "specific", I mean that we have a lot of other games using Pixi.JS 4.8.8 and they are working perfectly with Samsung S21 & Android 12. Only few have this problem I mentioned above. If needed, I can share some Spector.JS records so you can see the delta in WebGL commands between 2 frames (one that works and one that fails) Here all the informations I have: - the problem does not appear in Samsung S21 with Android 11 - the problem appears with Samsung S21 with Android 12 - the problem does not appear in Google Pixel 5 with Android 12 Cheers and thanks again for your awesome work! flickering_2.m4v flickering.m4v
  4. @lla830126, Answering here as I haven’t saw any post on the new forum Please follow this tutorial in order to load and scene projects https://doc.babylonjs.com/resources/loading_saving Can you create a post on the new forum to follow the progress? Thanks
  5. You rox! @swavec publishing the editor ASAP with the fixes
  6. Pinging @Sebavan, reproduced a bug when setting two times a reflection texture in PBR (maybe not related to PBR material itself): https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#8MGKWK#105 At the end of the PG, I set the hdr texture without the skybox coordinates mode (so it's ugly). But just after I reset the hdr texture with the skybox coodinates mode and it looks not applied Any idea?
  7. Hey @swavec I'm happy that you use the editor! Here my answers: 1. You mean that you checked back "generate shadows" and re-added the cast objects after ? Or not ? When you generate shadows, you have to provide the cast objects. When you unckeck "generate shadows", the shadow generator is destroyed so you have to re-configure it 2. Found the bug. Fixing right now thanks for the feedback!
  8. Hey @luan_ngo, Pull request just created: https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/pull/5597 Updating the doc ASAP. Anyway, to keep your horizon at position 0 on Y, just setup the property .cameraOffset on the material which is a Vector3. Example: skyMaterial.cameraOffset.y = scene.activeCamera.globalPosition.y Don't hesitate if you encounter a bug!
  9. Thanks for writing this! I'll come back with updates for documentation and also a new feature to load only .editorproject with native version (double click in your OS file explorer) which makes the experience easier
  10. I'll improve the documentation about importing meshes to a project. Because, importing meshes means that it will be saved in the .editorproject. So if you load the .editorproject and the .babylon scene together you'll get meshes doubleness.
  11. Okay finally reproduced!! I found that the meshes are duplicated because they are in the .babylon file and the .editorproject. I guess that you used the "Import Meshes" function and saved them into the .editorproject. If you remove the duplicated meshes and save your project (.editorproject) it solves your problem I'll add a tooltip in the editor to let user know if the mesh comes from the .babylon file or the .editorproject so it will be les confusing Thanks
  12. @Limes2018 do you reproduce systematically? Because on my PC and my Mac it is not doubleness Can you sent me all your files you are drag'n'dropping to load the scene? I'm missing something but I don't know what Thank you!
  13. Hey @ninespace just saw your message! So sorry! insuggest that you read this article about saving/loading you editor projects: https://doc.babylonjs.com/resources/loading_saving thanks
  14. @Limes2018 do not reproduce, can you update to the latest Mac OS build? Thanks http://editor.babylonjs.com/BabylonJS Editor.dmg
  15. Unfortunately I do not reproduce I saved the .editorproject, restarted the editor (also tested without restarting) and drag'n'dropped the files (sword.babylon and project.editorproject) all model objects are not doubleness I'm going to test with the Mac OS version of the editor to see if I can see any difference
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