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rich last won the day on September 29 2022

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About rich

  • Birthday 08/12/1975

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  1. You may want to read this thread
  2. Hey Rich I am trying to delete old posts that contain my personal information in them.

    I want everything I've ever posted deleted, but there is no button or option to delete or even edit.  

  3. Safari doesn't support mp3 files. Use m4a for Safari.
  4. The boot.json file is just used by the Phaser 3 Examples site, you don't need it for your own projects. All you need is the entry point, the html you pasted above and your source files.
  5. You can still do it like this. However, note that <script> tags have no order in the html and never have had - they are loaded in whatever order the browser likes. This has been true since script tags existed, so you need to be careful that your 'Game.js' etc isn't loaded before Phaser, or it'll all go wrong (the same is true for v2 though) If you look at one of the example games, like Avoid the Germs: https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser3-examples/tree/master/public/src/games/avoid the germs you'll see it's done exactly the way you describe, where 'main.js' is the entry point (the part that the browser loads). There's no webpack or anything else here, it's just native ES6. The important part is that when you include main.js in the html, you tell the browser its a module, not a script.
  6. hi

    I Work on a project where we have show video on canvas. I somehow figure out how to do video fullscreen but another problem came. When we exit the fullscreen canvas all pointerdown event stop working on ios devices.

  7. That is how you move the camera, but you have to have given it a bounds first, otherwise it has no-where to go! game.world.setBounds(0, 0, 2000, 2000);
  8. Why re-invent the wheel? Tiled has this covered, and a whole lot more.
  9. It split into Phaser CE 4 years ago. 2.13.3 is the latest version of CE. No, they're not very different.
  10. Phaser 3 repo is at https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser Phaser 3 Docs are at https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser3-docs If you clone the repo, the docs are in the 'docs' folder. eslintignore is nothing to do with docs. It's to do with what gets lint checked. However, there is no eslint file in the docs repo. There's also no 'npm build' command either, so you were looking in a different repo. Phaser 2 repo is at https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser-ce Phaser 2 docs are in the docs folder of that repo.
  11. There's nothing wrong with using Containers in Phaser 3. The example given by mazoku (a UI Button) is a perfect use-case for them. As are multi-part sprites, i.e. complex Game Objects. But if a Container has just a single child, that's when it doesn't usually make sense any more.
  12. It’s more overhead for every single Game Object to be a container. How many buttons does a typical game contain vs. things like bullets, platforms, particles, baddies, power-ups, etc etc.
  13. Are the buttons positioned over the top of each other? Because a button with alpha zero is still a button that will receive pointer events. A `pointerup` event is not the same thing as a `pointerout` event and will not trigger an out state. `pointerupoutside` is for detecting pointer up events outside of the game canvas, not a button.
  14. I'm sure Noel will help further with this - however, we've been seeing lots of games removed that violate their new policies over copyright and IP infringement. Did your games feature assets or brands not owned by you? For example Pokemon or Nintendo characters? If so, this is why.
  15. Yes, sure. Usually, you'd use the payload for things like json files that the game needs, or plugins, or maybe some assets the preloader can use like a preload background and loading bar graphic. That kind of stuff. And then you use the proper Preloader to load the actual game assets.
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