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Random enemies follow player? NOOB


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Just started playing with Phaser and am trying to figure out how to randomly generate a group of enemies, and have them follow a "player". I've seen something close here:


However, I'd like the enemies to not follow in a line.


I'm looking for something closer to Robotron:


Any thoughts or ideally code examples? Help a NOOB?


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The same site has other examples of homing and flocking which may be more suitable: http://gamemechanicexplorer.com/#homingmissiles-6


At the most basic though, you could just something like this example (which is very similar to the way it works in Robotron): http://examples.phaser.io/_site/view_full.html?d=arcade%20physics&f=move+towards+object.js&t=move%20towards%20object

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