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How to call a variable in another state?

Le Twitch

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Main.Game = function (game) {    this.score = 0;};Main.Game.prototype = {    create: function() {    }};
Main.ScoreMenu = function (game) {};Main.ScoreMenu.prototype = {    create: function() {        console.log(Main.Game.score);    }};

How do I call a variable in another state? The above method is obviously wrong since it doesn't work.

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Is ScoreMenu a state itself? Do you call it via game.state.start()? Or just access it as a property of the object Main?


If Main.game is the current active state, you can access the contents of it with  game.state.getCurrentState(); . This returns the active state and you can access every value and function in there..


According to the code above, you got  Main.game but you try to access score from Main.Game which doesn't exist in the code you gave us. Did you try Main.game.score?

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Is ScoreMenu a state itself? Do you call it via game.state.start()? Or just access it as a property of the object Main?


If Main.game is the current active state, you can access the contents of it with  game.state.getCurrentState(); . This returns the active state and you can access every value and function in there..


According to the code above, you got  Main.game but you try to access score from Main.Game which doesn't exist in the code you gave us. Did you try Main.game.scor


Yes ScoreMenu is a state itself and I have to call it with game.state.start()


Accessing variables in an active state isn't the problem. I want to have global variables that can be accessed from any state.


Main.game was a typo, it should be Main.Game



Look at the templates provided with phaser. In the boot state there is a Basicgame.score variable defined that can be accessed throughout the game's states.


Which template is this?

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