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Phaser and SignalR


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I know this is probably simple, but I'm trying to use game state objects to manage what I want.


I am using SignalR to keep every client up to date.


I can successfully call the Hub Object (Server Side), but I can't figure out how to set up the client side code for the callback.


Below is a snippet.


obj.StartMenu = function(game) {
    this.hub = $.connection.HubServer;
obj.StartMenu.prototype = {
    preload: function(){
       this.updatepointsbutton = this.load.spritesheet('button', '/Content/images/button_sprite_sheet.png', 193, 71);   
create: function () {
        this.updatepointsbutton = this.add.button(0, 50, 'button', this.updatePoints, this, 2, 1, 0);
updatePoints: function () {
        this.hub.server.updatePoints();  //This works and calls the Hub
////THIS IS THE CODE I'm trying to invoke on the call back, but it doesn't work.
///  I get no errors though.
this.hub.client.updatepointsforall = function ()



Any Help is much appreciated.

I think it is simple, just missing it.


Thanks in Advance

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I have tried that and nothing in the console, etc


If I move the code to a separate javascript file the callback works.


It seems to have something to do with being in the obj.StartMenu.prototype  block of  code.


Very intriguing.


I may have to redesign the way it is all wired up, but the code was pretty clean (used a "template") so didn't want to if I didn't have to.

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