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Texture question


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i'm new to babylon.js and i have some trouble.


I generate some plane meshes 25x25 with the same textures. Then the FPS go down to 30, but i think thats not a big 3d-Scene, the Examples on babylonjs.com are more complex and run in 60 FPS.


I try it with runRenderLoop and with window.setTimeout both max 30 FPS.


Here is my code:

var createScene = function () {    var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);    //Create a light    var light = new BABYLON.PointLight("Omni", new BABYLON.Vector3(-60, 60, 80), scene);        var light0 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("Hemi0", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);    light0.diffuse = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 1, 1);    light0.specular = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 1, 1);    light0.groundColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);    var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("FreeCamera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -40), scene);    scene.activeCamera = camera;    scene.activeCamera.attachControl(canvas);    var materialPlane = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("texturePlane", scene);    materialPlane.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("textures/grass.jpg", scene);    materialPlane.diffuseTexture.uScale = 1.0;//Repeat 5 times on the Vertical Axes    materialPlane.diffuseTexture.vScale = 1.0;//Repeat 5 times on the Horizontal Axes    materialPlane.backFaceCulling = false;//Allways show the front and the back of an element    var x,y;    var width = 25;    var height = 25;    var startx = -(width*1.1)/2;    var starty = -(height*1.1)/2;    for(x=0;x<width;++x) {        for(y=0;y<height;++y) {            var plane = BABYLON.Mesh.CreatePlane("plane", "1", scene);            plane.position.x = startx+x*1.1;            plane.position.y = starty+y*1.1;            plane.material = materialPlane;        }    }    return scene;}

Its that ok, when i use the same material on different meshes?


How can i create a texture with a Subimage, uOffset and vOffset doesn't work?


best regards,


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To achieve far greater performance, it could be interesting to merge your meshes into one single mesh. SOmething like this:

        var globalVertexData = new BABYLON.VertexData();        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {            var planeVertexData = BABYLON.VertexData.CreatePlane(128);            delete planeVertexData.normals; // We do not need normals            // Transform            var randomScaling = Math.random() * Math.random() * 1.5 + 0.5;            var transformMatrix = BABYLON.Matrix.Scaling(randomScaling, randomScaling, 1.0);            transformMatrix = transformMatrix.multiply(BABYLON.Matrix.RotationZ(Math.random() * Math.PI));            transformMatrix = transformMatrix.multiply(BABYLON.Matrix.Translation(Math.random() * 1000 - 500, -Math.random() * Math.random() * 100, count - i));            planeVertexData.transform(transformMatrix);            // Merge            globalVertexData.merge(planeVertexData);        }        var clouds = new BABYLON.Mesh("Clouds", scene);        globalVertexData.applyToMesh(clouds);

Live example here:


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Thanks for the answers, i will try the merging.


but how can i create multible planes with different textures?


And the other question, how can i create a texture with a Subimage, uOffset and vOffset doesn't work?

The SpriteManager can use different Subimages in Sprite.playAnimation.


Best regards,


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Hey Kita (and others)... what FPS do you get for this particles demo... http://www.babylonjs.com/playground/?12   ?  I'm around 52 FPS on it.



http://www.babylonjs...yground/#2HO8HK ...is so much slower.  hmmm.  There has to be a logical explanation for this.  When I first arrive at the page, my FPS is at 60.  Five seconds later... boom, 10 FPS.  *scratch scratch* 


One would think that the particles demo would be much more "heavy" than Kita's thing.  But my FPS says noooo... Kita's thing appears 5 times heavier.  :o  I am perplexed.

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Hi dk!  Same results for my auto-updating IE11.  (insignificant performance differences from FF). 


Win 7 - Google Chrome... I can't get it to do webGL.  When the Chrome browser launches, I get 5 little popups (opening all at once) with only an "ok" button on each.  They are all blank, or white text on white backdrop... and text (if its there) is un-highlight-able.  They can be closed.  Browser window looks fine, but can't do webGL. 


I've tried the web-suggested ways of making Chrome's webGL work, but all webGL demos claim "not webGL ready".  Personal problem.  :)  Those 5 popups are indicating SOMETHING, but without text on them, it is difficult to determine what they indicate.

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Ok, I'll see what can be done, but last I checked, I have the newest driver available for this on-MB video.


Not sure if its pertinent, but in both my browsers... if I turn the camera until the planes are out of view, the fps is back to 60+.


Ok, thanks for the info... I'm off on a driver updating mission.  :)   But I think I will fail.  I went down this path before, back when we struggled to get the mirrored video running.


Updatehttp://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/product-support/servicetag/2DS0GK1/drivers?DCP=DndTag&s=DHS  No new video drivers available.  There is a BIOS upgrade there, but when attempting to install... computer reports that my current BIOS is the same or newer, already.  Still researching.

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@Deltakosh: Thanks thats what i need :)

When i use "textures/player.png", i will not use the first SubImage, but the second or third one as a Texture. Just like a tileset https://wiki.themanaworld.org/images/c/c3/Woodland_Tileset.png , sorry for my english ;)



@Wingnut: I have the same Problem if i use 25x25 Planes, and turn the camera 60+.



Best regards,


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Thanks for the link, Dad72!  Actually, I already have one of these. It is built-into the Win7 device manager.


The driver details list...




The search panel...




The results...




I have also scoured the Dell video drivers update pages, and they report the same. (darnit)


(Sorry for the off-topic stuff, here, gang.  Thanks for the help.)

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Wow, that's a nice piece of software.  It found a newer (2012) driver, at Intel.  Unfortunately, after the driver installed, no changes are seen in all three browsers.  But thanks again for the link, software, and good advice (and a fresher GFX driver).  I am going to continue the investigation, of course. 


I'm sure glad Ma-Config allowed English language.  :)  I was scared, at first.


Maybe it's time for this 6 year old desktop to retire to media server status.  :)

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I think thats not a Graphic Propblem, its a the CPU Problem, when i use IE / Chrome with useing only one CPU 100%.

If I turn the camera until the planes are out of view, the fps is back to 60+ and CPU go down to 10%.


Is my Browser using CPU insteat of GPU?


I have an i5-460M CPU and NVIDIA GT 420M.


How can i detect if my Browser use the CPU or the GPU?


In Chrome i have opened the url "chrome://gpu/" they show me all "Hardware accelerated" only Rasterization "Software only".


Best regards,


Edited by Kita
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