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Shading Pixels Transparent


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Hi all,

id like to shade my pixels transparent in my pixel shader but i cant seem to get this working i have the following pixelshader:


        precision mediump float;
        varying vec2 vUV;
        varying vec3 vPosition;
        uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
        void main(void) 
            vec2 blaat;
            blaat.x = 1.0;
            blaat.y = vPosition.y;
            vec4 col = texture2D(textureSampler, blaat);
            vec4 alpha;
            alpha.r = col.r;
            alpha.g = col.g;
            alpha.b = col.b;
            if(vPosition.y < -100.0)
              alpha.a = 0.5;
              alpha.a = 1.0;
            gl_FragColor = alpha;
can some one please tell me what im doing wrong? it looks like the pixels that should be transparent become white. 
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I just found out that shading pixels fully transparent is very easy, I thought id note it here as it might be easy for people searching on this topic. You should use the discard keyword


        precision mediump float;
        varying vec2 vUV;
        varying vec3 vPosition;
        uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
        void main(void) 
            if(vPosition.y < 0.1)
            vec2 blaat;
            blaat.x = 1.0;
            blaat.y = vPosition.y;
            gl_FragColor = texture2D(textureSampler, blaat);
you can test this here
Template: Basic 
Mesh: Ground
Leave the pixel shader as is and paste the pixel shader above
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you have to define that your material need alphaBlending to activate alpha support

Do you use a ShaderMaterial?


If yes, you should add needAlphaBlending property :

var amigaMaterial = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial("amiga", scene, {vertexElement: "vertexShaderCode",fragmentElement: "fragmentShaderCode",needAlphaBlending: true});
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Thanks for the tips


i was indeed using the ShaderMaterial and i now added the needAlphaBlending. but i think im still missing something because the shader now shades everything below the set height to white in stead of making it transparent. 


This engine is so cool :) looks like ill be having a lot of fun with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again gang!


@Deltakosh & FreeFrags...




There's a playground of FreeFrag's shader on a heightMap.


FF, did you ever get transparency working correctly?


If I understand correctly, you are trying to get the white parts of the material... to be transparent, correct? 


I don't think that's working, yet... and maybe some shader experts will help.  I would like to see that transparency thing if its possible.  I think it would be interesting.


But already it's a cool effect, huh?  The stripes give an interesting 'strata' to the heightMap landscape, eh?


Here's the link to the original CYOS save (which I zip-downloaded from CYOS and then used it to make the playground scene).  Party on!

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Thanks guys 



I never continued trying as i was going to use this to create "holes" in a ground plane. But i thought that i could also just skip the indices. I found a thread in which someone was asking for something similar so thats why i commented in this thread and added my "Solution". 




thanks for your fix.


im not sure if im doing something wrong but i cant seem to see any of the results when someone posts a url to a playground they created. it will show me the standard playground scene with the sphere and the plane.

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That's strange, ff.  When you arrive at the playground, is the /#JTTS7#1 still on the end of the URL in your browser? 

(using the recently-mentioned url as an example)


Thanks for that other info, ff.  I hope you accomplished your mission.  :)


There is a funny backstory here, FreeFrags.  I tell it to you someday... after I go to self-inflicted shaders school (inside joke for Deltakosh). 


Suffice it to say... that I MUST get that shader working exactly like you intended it to work (transparent in white areas only)... or else I'll eventually go bonkers.  And to accomplish that, I have to go to shaders school for a couple of years.  hehe.

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