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iOS8 Background showing through black colors


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Hello, so I've just discovered that wherever there is black pixels on my canvas, they are magically changed into pixels from a background image on the html page.


Not using blend Modes or filters or anything crazy.


I'm using autoDetectRenderer as well. Anyone seen this issue before?


I can't really show any screen shots, but it almost looks like the entire canvas has some additive blendMode applied to it.

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"It appears that setting the "alpha" property does not work in canvas rendering mode. The object has full opacity, no matter what you set the alpha to. Can anyone confirm this? Is this a known issue?

I'm using the latest DEV version."



"works fine for me, I am able to do all sorts of alpha with canvas. Is there some specific code giving you trouble?"




Hey @englercj, you are right. It works, sorry for the waste of time!
The problem lies elsewhere though. My code was:

this.clickCatcher = new PIXI.Graphics();
this.clickCatcher.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
this.clickCatcher.alpha = 0.5;

It did not show up in canvas rendering (ie, ios).
But when I change the color to something else (not pure black, for example 0x111111), it does show up. I guess it sees 0x000000 as null or something and ignores it?"



"This issue has now been sorted."


Well not really, obviously




"when I change the color to something else (not pure black, for example 0x111111), it does show up. I guess it sees 0x000000 as null or something and ignores it?"



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Well, maybe, maybe not.


Trying another value than 0x000000 like 0x111111 is worth a try I think.

JUL, if you think it's that exact value (being falsey?) wouldn't 0x000001 be the best alternative value to use in it's place (the eye being least sensitive to shades of blue, I doubt it will be obvious that it's not 0x000000)

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