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Separate alphas?


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I have a loading animation of a circle of jewels rotating around an elephant.


It's only a few lines in Canvas but about 20 lines in pixi and I am struggling to get the alpha correct.


With Canvas I draw the rotated circle and then the elephant into a separate container, then draw that container with a specific opacity onto the canvas.


With pixi, I keep running into the problem of cumulative opacities. (the elephant has a higher opacity than it should) At the moment I'm putting them both into a DisplayObjectContainer and then setting the DisplayObjectContainer's opacity, but nope. Any thoughts on this?


Edit: I have resorted to cutting out the blue background circle from my elephant for the moment. It's not perfect but it'll do until I have a real solution.


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SebastianNette, thanks.. getting a clearer picture now.

zarstar: that should theoretically work but the behavior of the alpha (such as SebastianNette explained) doesn't change if I cache the display object container as a bitmap. (The caching itself is definitely working, as the ring no longer spins around the elephant, which is a mechanism of the sprites)

SebastianNette, thanks.. getting a clearer picture now.

zarstar: that should theoretically work but the behavior of the alpha doesn't change even if I cache it as a bitmap. (The caching itself is definitely working, as the ring no longer spins around the elephant, which is a mechanism of the sprites)
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