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P2 Woes


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I see what you mean but in video games ( in this case plaformers ), it's not always wanted to have realistic physics. At least that's what my gamer experience tells me.


I'm quite sure that, in a Mario/Sonic/etc, the player doesn't slide at all when a moving platform changes direction. This is just more user friendly.


Again I may be wrong, but it just feels better like that.

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My experience with trying to configure p2 for a platformer led me to customizing player behavior completely, and now I use p2 mostly for detection. pandavigoureux29 is right, realistic physics don't really mesh well with platformer feel in a lot of places.

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How did you do that then? I see you're setting the contact material { friction : 1, restitution : 0 } but that doesn't seem to be enough for me ( player sliding when the platform changes direction)


Moreover your player is "sinking" on the vertical platform when they go back to the top, so there may be something more to it. 


Edit: okay, your player is sliding too :)


As far as I know, it's just that + gravity.

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