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Hello, comunity and Richard.


When I create my player, I use the follows code:


creature = game.add.sprite(-500, -500, 'hero', 2, group);
game.physics.enable(creature, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
creature.body.gravity.y = 500;
creature.scale.set(xFactor, yFactor);
creature.body.offset.x = creature.body.width - creature.body.width * 0.8;
creature.body.width = creature.body.width * 0.8;


After creature.scale.set() phaser immedeately change creature.width, but doesn't change creature.body.width.

Then I change my creature.body.width to needed value, but after first update() run phaser set creature.body.width to updated creature.width. How I understood, it's because phaser update physics after each update() iteration.



Is it normal behavior?

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Unrelated tip:

creature.body.width - creature.body.width * 0.8;
is equivalent to

creature.body.width * 0.2;


I might (and most likely am) be wrong, but I think you should leave sprite.body alone. In the docs http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.html#width, it says " The calculated width of the physics body.". So I don't think messing with it is the right way to go.

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Unrelated tip:

creature.body.width - creature.body.width * 0.8;

is equivalent to

creature.body.width * 0.2;


I might (and most likely am) be wrong, but I think you should leave sprite.body alone. In the docs http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.html#width, it says " The calculated width of the physics body.". So I don't think messing with it is the right way to go.


Thanks for tip :)

Hm, I think it occurs (body.width auto update) because in my update() I have animation, frames update - body update, but I'm not sure.


Who knows right way to reduce boundig box size without sprite changes?

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