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Loading Bar/Loading Screen


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Hello there.



Is there a way to add a loading bar/screen, other than the way shown in the resources/Project Templates/basic folder?

I constructed my game inside one js file (and ofc the index.html) so inside that js file i have preload, create and update functions. And the "var game=new Phaser.Game(...)" is inside there too.


I saw in the example there that i need to divide those functions into separate files.


So any other way to do this?



I tried to just make a boot.js file like  in that example but with no success.



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I got like this:

var game=new Phaser.Game(	640, 480, Phaser.AUTO, '');var BasicGame = {};game.state.start('Boot');BasicGame.Boot=function () {};BasicGame.Boot.prototype = {	preload: function () 	{		// Here we load the assets required for our preloader (in this case a background and a loading bar)		game.load.image('preloaderBackground', 'GameFiles/background1.png');		game.load.image('preloaderBar', 'GameFiles/loading2.png');	},	create: function () 	{		// Unless you specifically know your game needs to support multi-touch I would recommend setting this to 1		game.input.maxPointers = 1;		// Phaser will automatically pause if the browser tab the game is in loses focus. You can disable that here:		game.stage.disableVisibilityChange = true;		if (game.game.device.desktop)		{			// If you have any desktop specific settings, they can go in here			this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;		}		else		{			// Same goes for mobile settings.			// In this case we're saying "scale the game, no lower than 480x260 and no higher than 1024x768"			game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;			game.scale.minWidth = 480;			game.scale.minHeight = 260;			game.scale.maxWidth = 1024;			game.scale.maxHeight = 768;			game.scale.forceLandscape = true;			game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;			game.scale.setScreenSize(true);		}		// By this point the preloader assets have loaded to the cache, we've set the game settings		// So now let's start the real preloader going		game.state.start('GameState');	}};//then i got all my varsBasicGame.GameState=function(){}BasicGame.GameState.prototype = {	preload: function(){	game.background = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'preloaderBackground');	game.preloadBar = this.add.sprite(300, 400, 'preloaderBar');	game.load.setPreloadSprite(game.preloadBar);        //etc}//and so on with other functions

But it doesnt work.

I get "Phaser.StateManager - No state found with the key: Boot"

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Thanks for the instructions.


Added like this:

var BasicGame = {};BasicGame.Boot=function () {}BasicGame.GameState=function(){}game.state.add('Boot', BasicGame.Boot);game.state.add('GameState', BasicGame.GameState);game.state.start('Boot');BasicGame.Boot.prototype = {	preload: function () 	{		// Here we load the assets required for our preloader (in this case a background and a loading bar)		game.load.image('preloaderBackground', 'GameFiles/background1.png');		game.load.image('preloaderBar', 'GameFiles/loading2.png');	},	create: function () 	{		// Unless you specifically know your game needs to support multi-touch I would recommend setting this to 1		game.input.maxPointers = 1;		// Phaser will automatically pause if the browser tab the game is in loses focus. You can disable that here:		game.stage.disableVisibilityChange = true;		if (game.game.device.desktop)		{			// If you have any desktop specific settings, they can go in here			game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;		}		else		{			// Same goes for mobile settings.			// In this case we're saying "scale the game, no lower than 480x260 and no higher than 1024x768"			game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;			game.scale.minWidth = 480;			game.scale.minHeight = 260;			game.scale.maxWidth = 1024;			game.scale.maxHeight = 768;			game.scale.forceLandscape = true;			game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;			game.scale.setScreenSize(true);		}		// By this point the preloader assets have loaded to the cache, we've set the game settings		// So now let's start the real preloader going		game.state.start('GameState');	}};// all the varsBasicGame.GameState.prototype = {	//etc}

But i get this error:

"Invalid Phaser State object given. Must contain at least a one of the required functions: preload, create, update or render"

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To narrow it down:

var game=new Phaser.Game(	640, 480, Phaser.AUTO, 'gameContainer');var state = function(game) {  };game.state.add('state', state);game.state.start('state');state.prototype = {	preload:function() {},	create:function() {},	update:function() {}}

This gives me the same error ("Invalid Phaser State object given. Must contain at least a one of the required functions: preload, create, update or render"), thats all there is inside the game.js

But not sure why because the required functions are there.

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Ok i got it to work:


This is the correct way:

var game=new Phaser.Game(	640, 480, Phaser.AUTO, 'gameContainer');var state = function(game) {  };state.prototype = {	preload:function() {},	create:function() {},	update:function() {}}game.state.add('state', state);game.state.start('state');
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