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P2 sprite which capture another one


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I use P2 physics.

What is the best way to make a sprite catching another when collide ?

In other words how can I "cancel" the collision movement between 2 sprites ?


After that, the 2 sprites are "walking" together till a key is down.


Thanks in advance.


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One idea:

-Store both body coordinates

-Destroy both bodies

-firstSprite.addChild(secondSprite); // so they are stuck together forever

-merge both stored body coordinates in one single array



Second idea (maybe easier, but similar):

-Store secondSprite body coordinates

-Destroy secondSprite body

-firstSprite.addChild(secondSprite); // so they are stuck together forever


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This sounds like the best idea.

But are constraint absolutly not flexible ?

I mean, with my solution, I'm sure the body are stuck together and will keep exactly the same distance in every cases.


(PS: i'm just curious, not trying to "get the like" haha)

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