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Issue with inheritance


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Hi everyone,
I'm trying to create a clean HUD class using Phaser 2.0.7 but I am getting a weird error:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined "

I created a separate hud.js file with the following code: 

function HeadUpDisplay(game, parent, name, useStage){    Phaser.Group.call(this, game);    var fpsCounter = new Phaser.Text(0,0, "test", {        font: "16px Arial",        fill: "#ff0044"    });    fpsCounter.fixedToCamera = true;    this.add(fpsCounter);    this.update = function() {        fpsCounter.setText(game.time.fps);    };};HeadUpDisplay.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Group.prototype);HeadUpDisplay.prototype.constructor = HeadUpDisplay; 

So basically my "class" HeadUpDisplay is extending Phaser.io's group. Any idea what is wrong? (and/or what could be improved)


Thanks! :)

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1. you must set game.time.advancedTiming = true; in order to use game.time.fps (regardless to what you asked)

2. I have a gut feeling that this error is not related to this code since I don't see any 'x' property in here.

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I'm new to javascript classes and prototypes, but isn't the first line..
function HeadUpDisplay(game, parent, name, useStage){

supposed to be like this?  :huh: Or is that semantically the same thing?

var HeadUpDisplay = function(game, parent, name, useStage){
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You've missed the first argument to the Phaser.Text constructor, which should be a reference to the game object.


Your code:

var fpsCounter = new Phaser.Text(0,0, "test", {        font: "16px Arial",        fill: "#ff0044"    });

should be

var fpsCounter = new Phaser.Text(game, 0,0, "test", {        font: "16px Arial",        fill: "#ff0044"    });
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Although, then, what's the difference between

var fpsCounter = new Phaser.Text(game, 0,0, "test", {        font: "16px Arial",        fill: "#ff0044"});


var fpsCounter = new game.add.text(0,0, "test", {        font: "16px Arial",        fill: "#ff0044"    });
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I'm new to javascript classes and prototypes, but isn't the first line..
function HeadUpDisplay(game, parent, name, useStage){

supposed to be like this?  :huh: Or is that semantically the same thing?

var HeadUpDisplay = function(game, parent, name, useStage){


I would suggest reading this: http://javascriptweblog.wordpress.com/2010/07/06/function-declarations-vs-function-expressions/ . They definitely explain it better than I could :)

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