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State of the cursor with the actions


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Can we changed the State of the mouse cursor when it points to an object. I would like that the cursor does not change with the mouseOver but rather to the mouseDown.

I create a small game type "click'n point" and I would like to see the points to find, but not with mouseOver.


Basically I would like to just be able to change the image of the cursor of mouse in "Action". It would be possible?



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Yes I watch, but I do not see where this is happening.


When you point to an object that has an action the cursor becomes a "pointer", but I can't find where in the source code. I do not know change it for myself. I didn't include the code of the engine.


This is for a game "click and points"

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En faite je pense que c'est dans babylon.scene.js que cela ce trouve et pas dans actions :


Je pense que cela peut être modifier comme ca ? J'ai mis en commentaire ce que j'ai modifier dans la classe.



Can someone submit it on GITHUB

     function Scene(engine) {                        this.cursor = "pointer"; //### pointer par défaut     }     Scene.prototype.setCursor = function (cur) { //### modifier le curseur si besoin          this.cursor = cur;   };                Scene.prototype.attachControl = function () {                         this._onPointerMove = function (evt) {                var canvas = _this._engine.getRenderingCanvas();                if (pickResult.hit) {                    _this.setPointerOverMesh(pickResult.pickedMesh);                    canvas.style.cursor = _this.cursor; //### Le curseur qui est soit: "pointer" par défaut, soit: modifier par l'utilisateur                    _this._meshUnderPointer = pickResult.pickedMesh;                } else {                    _this.setPointerOverMesh(null);                    canvas.style.cursor = "";                    _this._meshUnderPointer = null;                }            };        };
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In Css I know do. the problem is not there. is that in babylon, mouse cursor is edit by JavaScript no matter what cursor I ask in css.


I put the example code that allow to solve the problem, hoping that DK will add this (please DK)


function Scene(engine) {

this.cursor = "pointer"; //### pointer par défaut


Scene.prototype.setCursor = function (cur) { //### modifier le curseur si besoin
this.cursor = cur;

Scene.prototype.attachControl = function () {

this._onPointerMove = function (evt) {
var canvas = _this._engine.getRenderingCanvas();

if (pickResult.hit) {
canvas.style.cursor = _this.cursor; //### Le curseur qui est soit: "pointer" par défaut, soit: modifier par l'utilisateur

_this._meshUnderPointer = pickResult.pickedMesh;
} else {
canvas.style.cursor = "";
_this._meshUnderPointer = null;


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I asked what type of game I wanted to do, then here's what looks like a beginning of reading.
At the moment it is in french, but I provided the English language later.
The game is to type "click and points" (escape from a penitentiary)
Game Evasion (introduction in french and English. the story is still in french)  ;) 
there is only one set, but I provide to others later in tackling different theme.
I hope you like this start.

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