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any image larger than 4096px in width will not show on any mobile browser


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ahh.. i forgot..  i added this image as tileSprite...  i just found out that  if i do it as normal sprite it shows up normally..   hmm..  solved?  i don't know..    which one should i use to add a simple (non tiled) background image? thx!

game.add.image(0, 0, background);game.add.sprite(0, 0, background);game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 6400, 480, background);
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6400x480?! That's a huge sprite!  :blink:


I assume it's for a big scrolling background? It's probably better to break it up in smaller reusable components instead of using one giant "pre-compiled" background. For example look at Submarine Dash. It uses the parts of this image to create its backgrounds at run-time.


Btw if it's a sprite sheet with character animation etc. you could re-arange it so it's more square-ish, like 1920x1920 or something like that.

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well.. thank you both for your answers .. i created a 2048x2048 tileset for all kinds of terrain and designed my worlds in tiled .. the problem is now that because of the amount of layers i now have the performance is down by 20fps now.. but thats a different problem for a different thread..  :/

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You could... well, create a "HugeBackgroundManager".

Split your huge background into small half-screen-sized pieces and show them (load them ?) dynamically based on the camera/player position.

The game would have to deal with 9 of your tiles (midle, right, left, top, bottom and 4 diagonals).


If you only kill and revive them dynamically it's a quite simple process.

But I suggest you to first check if a killed sprite is actually less performances-consumming than an alive one (in the case it's not, lets go out and cry on a swing).

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that's an interesting idea..   it's just that those images take a lot of space on mobile devices..  because the levels are quite big the jpgs (or pngs) used use up to 1mb space.. so i am trying now to work with tilesets (i guess it is the proper way to do it) and fix the performance issue somehow..   if i don't succeed i'm goingback to huge images with less textures and more compression so that the filesize is going down :)   thx nevertheless..

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If your images are mostly flat colour or empty space, use png. Also, run it through a site like www.tinypng.com to reduce them further still - this should get your bandwidth consumption down to reasonable levels, though be aware it won't affect the memory consumption; a jpeg or a png regardless of file size will take up the same amount of memory as if it had been saved as a bmp.

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