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Mixamo to Babylon


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Hi, I'm a newbie and was wanting to create a simple demo. Instead of using the dude guy I wanted to replace him with something simple and less aggressive, so I got a simple free character from Mixamo and purchased a walking animation for it. I've tried converting the dae file from blender as well as doing an online conversion of the fbx file, but neither will load into babylon.
Using Autodesk FBX Converter 2013 I was able to view both FBX/DAE files and they look great and show the walking animation.
Can you guys think of anything I've missed?
When I use the following code I get a value of 1 from the alert box:
    BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "Scenes/Testwalk/", "testwalk.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes, particleSystems, skeletons) {
            var test = newMeshes[0];
            for (var index = 0; index < newMeshes.length; index++) {
            test.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0);



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I cannot see all your code, but the problem comes from the shadow generator object that is not created. Do you have any errors in the debugger console ?


if you just want to see your character, try this : 

BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "Scenes/Testwalk/", "testwalk.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes, particleSystems, skeletons) {            var test = newMeshes[0];            alert(newMeshes.length);                        test.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0);    });

I won't be able to help you more without any demo :)


Cheers , 

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bellengerd, I took a look at your files and there are a number of issues:


1. The .dae import into Blender. Below is an  image showing the import of your .dae file into Blender 2.69. Notice there are no faces - just vertices and a rig. The second image is a model of mine that was rigged and animated at Mixamo then exported as a .dae file. All the faces show up with the rig. The difference is my .dae file from Mixamo was created 2 years ago. Not sure why your model has no faces in Blender - but will try with Mixamo later today if my account still exists.


2. The mixamo rig, both in my model and yours, has more than 40 bones and there is a limit with BJS of 40 bones - scroll down to the Deltakosh post. The mixamo rig has 50+ bones, largely due to all the bones (30) in the fingers and thumbs.


Will investigate further the .dae issue.


cheers, gryff :)



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Thanks gryff, if you could give me any advice on reducing bone count if that's possible in Blender as I like the concept of using Mixamo content.


I've been a bit stupid in that my webserver and local server were giving me seemingly different results for the simple reason that I'd been swapping in the FBX>Babylon model with the DAE>Babylon model and not clearing out my cache locally.


I'm now at the stage now that the FBX>Babylon model loads into my scene (locally and on the web) but the animation won't play -> I'm guessing because of the bone limit Deltakosh outlined.

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any advice on reducing bone count if that's possible in Blender



bellengard, it is possible to delete and merge bones in Blender - but it should be done on the rig before you attach the mesh otherwise you will wreck the animation you paid for. You could probably merge some finger bones with the animation, rename that merged bone, then weight paint it - probably a lot of work.


That said, you might want to ask on the Mixamo forum about how you can reduce the bones in the hands. It does happen accidentally:


All fingers on one joint chain


Seems to depend on location of the wrist placement and how close the fingers are to each other.


cheers, gryff :)

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