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Rotation issue


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Hello !


There are something i don't understand regarding mesh rotation.


1) i find the y positive rotation wrong but maybe it's because the basis is indirect.

2) when i rotate a mesh, does its rotation axis also turn? 


Here is an example : http://www.babylonjs.com/playground/#XXH6D#5

There are 4 boxes :

box1.rotation = (0,0,0)

box2.rotation = (0,0,0)

box3.rotation = (PI/2,0,0)

box4.rotation = (PI/2,0,0)


in the render loop 

box1.rotation.z += 0.01

box2.rotation.y += 0.01

box3.rotation.z += 0.01

box4.rotation.y += 0.01


there is no problem for box1 and box2 (even if i think that box2 should turn in the other way) but box3 and box4 are turning on the same axis in opposite way. I don't understand why.


Thank you



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No replies from the experts here, yet, yuccai?  hmm.  Well, me posting this worthless reply will bring the issue back to the top of the forum list.  I think boxes 1-3 are acting correctly, but box 4...  phew.  It is acting very strangely, in my opinion.

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