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CPU usage when scaling background sprite


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I have a simple game with less than 10 sprites. I'm using CANVAS rendering.


The problem is, when I add a backdrop and scale it to fit whole screen(by doing on the sprite : bg.width = game.width), the CPU usage grow from 8% to 30% and keep there....


I'm wondering if this is because maybe Phaser is scaling on each frame ? What can I do to avoid this CPU usage ?


Thank you

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Thanks for the interesting article on RAM usage with images.


Unfortunately, my problem is not RAM but CPU.

RAM usage is perfectly normal and fine. The problem is : when I scale the bg (800x600 sprite) to fullscreen, CPU usage start going crazy... Even if the game is doing nothing, and have only 6 other sprites (200x200).


To this day I still have no solution. I tried with the latest phaser version but it's the same.

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