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LREditor - Free & OpenSource Game Editor


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Hello everybody,


We, LadybugRiders, are proud to present you the LREditor, a Free & OpenSource Game Editor based on Phaser!


You can watch our trailer on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH3FHjw-4Ak




It is an alpha version but you already can :

  • Create entities (Sprite, Group, TileSprite, Text)
  • Manage entities (Position, Scale, Rotation, ...)
  • Manage Physics (with P2) (Motion state, Shapes, ...)
  • Attach Behaviours to your entities
  • Import/Export your levels
  • Test and Play your levels at any time

You can try it here : http://lreditor.herokuapp.com/


And clone it from GitHub here : https://github.com/LadybugRiders/LREditor


Or simply visit our website : http://ladybugriders.com


We hope you'll enjoy it !




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I heard editors like Tiled support multiple layers for tilemaps. From your video it looks like you do to. However what I also heard is that Phaser does not support multiple layers for tile maps. Would you happen to know if this is true?

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I'm sorry but LREditor is not a Tiled-based editor (however, in the future, it will be able to load tilemaps because Phaser can). What you can see as background is a TileSprite, a sprite that repeats its texture.


Did I answer your question ?

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I heard editors like Tiled support multiple layers for tilemaps. From your video it looks like you do to. However what I also heard is that Phaser does not support multiple layers for tile maps. Would you happen to know if this is true?


You heard wrong. Phaser totally supports multiple layers, as well as a mix of layers and object-layers.

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first awesome work and thanks for sharing your editor!


It seems the right tool for my current projects, but unfortunately I can't get the editor to run properly.


I put your repository into my MAMP working directory.


The files are in:



and I can access the editor under:



node.js is installed properly.


After running your node bin/www command and then start the editor I get the following 404 errors:



To fix the first to 404s: I changed the LREditor/app/editor/index.html and added "../" to line 29 and 32.

The angular error was caused because only the minified version was included in the lib folder.


Now when I reload the editor the grid appears and I'm only left with a node error:


  1. GET http://saga.local:8888/editorserverapi/v0/project?name=project.json&path=/game2 404 (Not Found) angular.js:8165


If I change the editorserverapi route everywhere in your scripts I still have the problem that there is no v0/ directory. So here I need your help because I also need the files included in this directory.


Thank you.

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Thank you for the feedback!


You don't need a MAMP server, the script "www" does it for you ;)


You just has to open a terminal in the LREditor folder and execute : node bin/www


Then, you just has to go to http://localhost:5000


Here is a video : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15979011/tmp/tuto-2014-07-17_16.11.22.mp4


We are working on Youtube tutorials, this video is a draft so please be indulgent with it :)



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Ahh I see, now that worked. Thank you. I still get some errors when I start a blank project.


[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) (prefab, line 0)
[Error] path ./app/game/assets/prefabs not found
(anonyme Funktion) (controller_header.js, line 174)
But I think they may go away as soon as I have created some prefabs within the editor.
Loading and modifying your example works fine.
Thanks for the support.
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