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moveWithCollisions with intersectsMesh


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IntersectMesh does not work with moveWithCollisions. I would like to be able to create events when mesh with a collider (ellipsoid) and it encounters another mesh (intersectsMesh).


ellipsoid.intersectsMesh(Portail, false));


It works when I try without elipsoid but not with.


Thanks Deltakosh



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J'ai des portails de téléportation qui me permettes d'aller d'un point A a un point B. Le portail A a un intersectMesh qui permet de vérifier si le personnage entre en collision avec.

Quand j'utilise mesh.ellipsoid et que je vais avec moveWithCollisions() vers ce portail A, IntersectMesh ne fonctionne pas.

par contre si je n'utiles pas mesh.ellipsoid, IntersectMesh fonctionne a nouveau.

Je pense que c'est parce que moveWithCollisions utiles déjà une vérification de collision, mais je sais pas.

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It is not the same question, but this still concerns of moveWhithCollisions.

I just of noticed that moveWithCollisions consumes a lot of FPS. 60fps => 40fps when my character is in motion. Is it normal that it consumes more than physics?

And intersectMesh does not work when using mesh.elipsoid


PS: mesh.elipsoid should be a trigger that would create an event on the collision detection, which would return a be able to traverse the object while detecting the collision (with onCollisionsEnter() for example).
You think what DK?
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mesh.ellipsoid is not an object. This is just a vector3 that helps defining an ellipsoid around the mesh.

mesh.intersectMesh must be used with a mesh as parameter: mesh.intersectMesh(otherMesh)


And beware: your player is an empty (Dummy) object. You hsould think about adding an invisible box around it (and make this box child of the player) and use this box to check intersections


"I just of noticed that moveWithCollisions consumes a lot of FPS" This is because you are doing collisions against the ground. I suggest using optimizations described in the "Optimize collisions and picking" chapter of the wiki: https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/wiki/Optimizing-performances-with-octrees

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Ok, IntersectMesh works now with a sphere in parent to the character.
**For the problem of FPS:
Regardless of the value that I put to optimize the field I am a 21 fps, it's even worse.
moveWithCollisions() // 40fps

ground.optimize(30000); // 21 fps


ground.optimize(3);  // 21 fps

without it I am a 40 fps. but I find that when I use optimizes and I move my character I still has 21, so it works, but the I loses 20 fps Additionally (40 fps lost in total).




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yes, I have read the doc, i use octree: 

var = octree scene.createOrUpdateSelectionOctree();octree.dynamicContent.push(mesh);mesh.useOctreeForCollisions = true;

I wanted to also add ground.optimize. but it's worse.

If I use:

mesh.subdivide(100);mesh.createOrUpdateSubmeshesOctree(16, 2); 

So I'm going from 40 to 15 FPS
This changes nothing either. and the character disappears following the rotation of the character.

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