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Emulator like game


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iam currently searching for a html5 game framework to use for a new possible project.

I have read many tutorials and have done some testing with the phaser framework and i like it very much.

I have to say that this is my first gaming project and iam very happy to get a pause from developing websites and mobile apps ;)


I cant talk about the project idea itself, but i think i can descripe the problem i have.


I understand how to build a game with the framework, but how can i build something like a multi-game-game?

Lets say i want to build a game-bundle or something like an emulator.


So that the player can select a game from a bundle of games. - How do i load the selected game?

My first idea was to load the selected game like a level, but the problem with that is, i dont want to load all the game scripts in the preloader.

I want to load the scripts when the user selects the game, because there should be around 20-30 games when it is finished.

Also the logic of the game should not be that the player selects a game and after that its the end,

the logic should be that after the first game, the next game should appear.


What you think would be the best approach for that?

Put every game in a seperate html file and navigate the browser to that game on select?

Or use something like require.js and load the game-file on demand?


I think the second approch is much better, but you think the mobile devices can handle all the stuff that is load after, lets say 10 games?

Or is phaser absolute the wrong framework for my project?


Thanks in advance for all tips ;)


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The way I've approached this in the past is to split each game into a single Phaser State + required custom classes, and then just load that script file from a central menu system as required. The issue you'll have is that, over time, the browser will fill-up with assets - if you intend for them to be able to return from the game to the menu without a page reload (remember that could be an iframe reload too). But I guess this is only an issue depending on the overall size of each game. Assets can be marked as for deletion by the browser, but you've no actual control over when it happens (if ever).

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Hi, thanks for the post.

I like the idea with the iframe, do you have any experience with using an iframe on mobile devices?


For my project, i think on something like a main page with a main menu.

If the users selects a game, resize the iframe to fullscreen and load the game inside.

When the game finished, resize the iframe to zero and the main menu is back visible.


U think that is doable?




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