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Getting width and height from body


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Hi there,


I'm trying to get the width and height from the returned body:

var body = this.game.physics.p2.convertCollisionObjects(map, "floorMiddle")[0];


It would be great if this was possible: 




And, unfortunately the body.sprite=null otherwise I'd just access the sprite info.



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You could try working it out from body.data.aabb.lowerBound and body.data.aabb.upperBound 






body.width = this.physics.p2.mpx(body.data.aabb.upperBound[0] - body.data.aabb.lowerBound[0]);body.height = this.physics.p2.mpx(body.data.aabb.upperBound[1] - body.data.aabb.lowerBound[1]);
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@wayfinder, thanks for pointing me in the right direction! :)


I first needed to update the aabb Float32Array: body.data.aabb.updateAABB();

var width = this.game.physics.p2.mpx(body.data.aabb.upperBound[0] - body.data.aabb.lowerBound[0]);

var height = this.game.physics.p2.mpx(body.data.aabb.upperBound[1] - body.data.aabb.lowerBound[1]);


Otherwise the upperbounds/lowerbounds were always equal to zero.
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