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A bigger issue about arcRotateCamera


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Hello !

It's me again ^^ I found smthg bad with the function setPosition() of arcRotateCamera


Here is an example that will show what I mean


In this example, you have to change the value of arcRotate variable to « switch » of cameras.



The problem is :

In case of newPosition.x < 0 and newPosition.z < 0


When I set the position of a freeCamera with

freeCam.position = newPosition ;

the camera is at the good position




But ! When we set the position of an ArcRotateCamera with

arcCamera.setPosition(newPosition) ;

the camera is at the opposite of the expected position.




Good new, I identified the problem, it comes from the setPosition function and the atan function

ArcRotateCamera.prototype.setPosition = function (position) {	var radiusv3 = position.subtract(this._getTargetPosition());	this.radius = radiusv3.length();	this.alpha = Math.atan(radiusv3.z / radiusv3.x);	this.beta = Math.acos(radiusv3.y / this.radius);};

I think in this case it is better to use the other function of conversion which take in count the sign of the z value.

ArcRotateCamera.prototype.setPosition = function (position) {	var radiusv3 = position.subtract(this._getTargetPosition());	this.radius = radiusv3.length();	this.alpha = Math.acos(radiusv3.x / Math.sqrt(		Math.pow(radiusv3.x, 2) +		Math.pow(radiusv3.z, 2)	));	if (radiusv3.z < 0) {		this.alpha = 2*Math.PI - this.alpha;	}	this.beta = Math.acos(radiusv3.y / this.radius);}; 

I'll test tomorrow this function with different values in order to be sure of the code =)

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