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Game won't load (newbie)


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I recently decided to have a go at making a game (a very simple one) and have run into an error and I am now unsure what to do.

I'm using version 2.0.5 and the error I get is 'TypeError: h is undefined' (In firebug it says the error is coming from phaser.min.js)


My game is split into states (load, game, menu, level) I've pasted my level code into JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/PrZPA/


Thank you for any help and if you need more info then I'll provide it. :)

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Without digging too much.


Why don't you try with the non minified version and see what is undefined... or maybe it's going to work with it.


Give it a try just copy phaser.js to the source folder and change phaser.min.js  to phaser.js and give as info again.

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