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Babylon Projects


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Hi Guys,


I'm new to this forum as this is my first post, but i've being looking at BabylonJS for some months now and its awesome.


I've being working at a side-project game called SpaceTrippers, and i'm open sourcing the project, hoping to get some contributors too.

The code needs a lot of work but I hope it to be a nice and simple example of a full Typescript game using BJS. You can look at the source code at https://github.com/rodrigopivi/SpaceTrippers and a demo at http://space-trippers.herokuapp.com


As this is an open project and there are still a lot of todo's feel free to contribute, you all are welcome here and if you can help with some code or ideas, that is awesome!, i'm hoping that at the end we can all have a shared example of a game that works at ios, android and windows.



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Hey guys, it's been a little while since I have been on here, you know how the story goes. I also wanted to share a project I have been working on. It's mainly a WIP/PoC, but here is the link:




w, a, s, d to move and spacebar to attack. Find the boss and kill him! There are only 3 types of enemies haha. Chrome for the best experience and if it doesn't seem to be loading, give it second haha. Otherwise enjoy. I might get back to adding more to it, but project, projects, projects...





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  • 2 weeks later...

@AsimiAsl, yeah, works better now. :)



Okay, here the current version of that space thingy: http://p215008.mittwaldserver.info/space/ (be patient, it might load a bit slow and didn't use any asset manager yet :P )


Click to fly around and explore the galaxy ;) That's all you can do so far. Planed features collisions with asteroids, maybe a cool energy shield effect with fresnel, space station to get upgrades for the ship, more spaceships, LASERS!, shooting asteroid, explosions .... space derbies (after explosions) with jeromes solid particle system, ... and everything else I want to try out... maybe some kind of story :P

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Thanks guys, I am really happy with how it looks so far. The Space Pirates and Zombies game is kinda the look I was imagining, I am definitely gonna check that out and get some ideas from there :D But still a lot to do and so little time :-/


Edit: added lasers and impact effect p215008.mittwaldserver.info/space/ (not perfect yet but already looks kinds cool)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hopefully although the project is still under development you will think it worthy of being included in this thread. The idea is for children to build simple 3D scenes using simple building blocks called Cubees and if ever fully developed eventually to be able to put together simple games in similar way to how Scratch is used.


Please feel free to try out Cubees.




Any bugs please message me. (There are bound to be plenty when people start to use it)


An issue with wanting children to use it is the saving of files. I do not have the experience, expertise or finances to have it on a server and let children make their own game projects in the same way as Scratch does. Any organisation or company that does and are inspired by the idea please run with it. In the meantime I will keep plodding on and developing it in my own way.


EDIT By the way I am using babylon.js 2.2 alpha


EDIT 14/08/2015 Clarification

By lack of experience, expertise and finances to have it on a server I mean that I do not have the knowledge to do server side scripting and allow people to log in and save to and read from the server. I am probably capable enough to gain the knowledge but having done so still do not see me being to afford the server space for people to save their work.

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I do not have the experience, expertise or finances to have it on a server and let children make their own game projects in the same way as Scratch does.


You can use googledrive to host your page.  Just make sure you do not use CDN babylon, since it does not support https.  Not a big deal, just copy babylon.js to there as well.  (You were using 2.2 alpha, so not even an option for you, just an FYI for the next guy)


Here are directions:  https://support.google.com/drive/answer/2881970?hl=en 


Basically, after getting an account, upload directory, share. get link & change it.  You also now must explicitly add the 'index.html' on to the end to make it work.  Found this changed last week when I published my new blender exporter test scene.


like :




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During my hiolidays, I was looking to create a demo scene to test WebAudio integration in Babylon.js, so I did this:




You can test it here : http://pixelcodr.com/games/dungeon/

There is nothing to do for the moment, you've been warned ;) I might add some rooms and create a game later.


The source code can be found here: https://github.com/Temechon/Dungeon

Feel free to fork, update, or use any assets if you need it.


Spoiler alert: WebAudio works reaaaaally great :)

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