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Circle physics


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Hello! I tried to make my game with physics. Prototype you can find here. First goes blue, than red, green, yellow. You can't win or lose, yet. As you can see, I use circles, but I use Phaser.Physics.ARCADE too and it doesn't support circles, so now there're squares instead of circles. How can I fix it?


.Sorry for bad english

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you mean you've tried p2 physics and didn't find out how to define a collision between 2 circle shapes?  have you read the examples ?



search for the p2 collision examples :)


Yep, thanks for all this. I already found it, but forgot to write here. And now I have problem when I'm trying to drag chip. For that, I need to kill it and reset - I think it's slow and not right way.

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Again did it by myself:

if (isInBounds(BOUNDS[chip.owner], chip.y)) {	if (frame % 5 == 0) {		chip.oldPos = { x: chip.x, y: chip.y };	}	chip.body.velocity.x = 10 * (chip.pointer.worldX - chip.x);	chip.body.velocity.y = 10 * (chip.pointer.worldY - chip.y);} else {	stopDrag(chip, chip.pointer);}
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