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#LOWREZJAM - Offical Thread


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LOWREZJAM 2014 is organized by http://www.deviever.com/ ! :D

Please use the #LOWREZJAM hashtag on twitter and help spread the word while you develop your LOWREZJAM game! :D





RESTRICTIONS : Create a game with a maximum screen resolution of 32x32 pixels.

DETAILS : There are no limiations on the amount of colors, sprites, or anything else. The idea of this is not to create a retro pixel art game, but rather to challenge your skills in making an enjoyable gaming experience using a minimal amount of detail. You are obviously allowed and encouraged to upscale the game for the sake of playability by allowing the player to stretch the game to full screen / a larger window, but please make every attempt to maintain the hard edges of the pixels in the process. Also, please do not fake smaller resolution by using large blocky sprites in a higher resolution.

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Nice :) - finished the level (cleared everything).

Cool combat system (a little easy, but it was only frogs.. so maybe things will get harder in the next level ;) )


Also nice of you to put a map in.. I remember ones where you had to draw your map on paper :)


Reminds me that I should continue with my 32x32 dungeon.

(Top down view, 2 pixel player, no relation to your cool 3d dungeon)

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Hi guys,


Here is the first preview version of my lowrez game.




Please (at least for the tutorial) use sound, if you would.


Also the tutorial is not complete yet, so here is the missing info:


use space to hit stuff with your sword.

green guys = slow zombies

white guys = fast skeletons


also: if you end up in a room with no more doors, then you reached the end of the first test version ;)


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi guys,


Here is the first preview version of my lowrez game.




Please (at least for the tutorial) use sound, if you would.


Also the tutorial is not complete yet, so here is the missing info:


use space to hit stuff with your sword.

green guys = slow zombies

white guys = fast skeletons


also: if you end up in a room with no more doors, then you reached the end of the first test version ;)


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Its not working for me... hits a 404 error while trying to load phaser.js

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Here is our current  lowrez entry. This is still work in progress, but you can play and explore the first level of the dungeon :)




Edit: I thought the animations (key flying up) might be tweens that are sub pixel movements.. but I think I was wrong.

Just looked so smooth ;)

Edit2: I was definitely wrong.. and I will steal... borrow... be inspired by the way you scale up your game :)


That's a great way to do it.. because this way all tweens are pixel perfect.

(As of now I could not use them, because my game was actually bigger and every sprite just scaled up and aligned to a virtual "pixel"-grid)

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Heh yeah they're definitely not sub-pixel because the entire game runs in 32x32 - no faking it for us :) Feel free to use the same scale method. I couldn't find any other way that worked cross-browser as well as this. It's quite inefficient, but when you're dealing with just 32x32 pixels that becomes utterly irrelevant.

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Yep, just finished changing my game.


Really great, that since it's real 32 by 32 I can now use tweens and all the awesome phaser stuff.

Already put in sliding doors :)


Weird thing:


Crisp and perfect rendering:

<canvas id="pixel" width="256" height="256"></canvas> 

Smoothed and uneven rendering:

<canvas id="pixel" style="width: 256px; height: 256;"></canvas>

It's the only change and happens at least in chrome... well should have stuck to what you did from the beginning ;)

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@Ernesto : 


If you're using Phaser, you can use this to keep your pixels crips : 

game.stage.smoothed = false;

If you're just using canvas, it is also possible via : 

context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;context.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;context.oImageSmoothingEnabled = false;context.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;

Good luck

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There is a way to perfectly scale up a phaser game.

It's what Rich uses for his 3d-dungeon-crawler and I use it for mine now too.


Phaser itself runs on a 32x32 canvas - without scaling anything! - this is a huge bonus, as you can now use tweens and rotation and everything without breaking 32x32 pixel perfect movement.


This canvas is then taken every frame and drawn onto a bigger canvas (in a size of your choice) and is perfectly scaled in all browsers.


Here is how that works:


On the html page (invisible phaser canvas, actual canvas):

<div id="phaser" style = "display: none"></div><div id="game">    <canvas id="pixel" width="384" height="384"></canvas></div>

Global vars (put it next to the game var):

var pixelcontent = null;var pixelwidth = 0;var pixelheight = 0; 

Setup code (run it in the create of your first state):

  var pixelCanvas = document.getElementById("pixel");    pixelcontext = pixelCanvas.getContext("2d");    pixelwidth = pixelCanvas.width;    pixelheight = pixelCanvas.height;    Phaser.Canvas.setSmoothingEnabled(pixelcontext, false);

And last but not least, the render function of the state:

pixelcontext.drawImage(game.canvas, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0, 0, pixelwidth, pixelheight);

I hope this helps :)


You can see it in action here:


http://gametest.mobi/timesoflores/ (Rich)


and here:


http://gamejolt.com/games/adventure/low-rez-dungeon/26418/ (mine)


Both are minified, but it's exactly that code in mine and nearly identical in rich's game.




Also I can't believe how much time I put into the #lowrezjam, but programming (and even playing) the dungeon crawler ist really fun.

(Maybe because I still think that zelda on the gameboy was one of the best games ever...)

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