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how to detect double tap


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've ended up with the idea of starting a small timer on the first tap and if a second is not received within a given time then calling a single tap callback otherwise calling a double tap callback.


The problem is that if you don't wait to see if there is a second that every double tap also being classed as a single.  In my case it is single tap to move to a position double tap to attack a position  - which would have had the effect moving squishies to melee range on every attack. wooops.


haven't written it yet so no example code.

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But that is a problem that will never really go away.

You can't know if another tap is coming or not.


The same applies to click and double-click.


Windows for example uses a defined amount of time (which you can change in the mouse settings) between clicks to determine if it's two single clicks or a double click.


Btw: you do not need to start any timer, you just create a variable in which you store game.time.now - and then on the second click you compare game.time.now to the content of that variable. (the difference is the time between the clicks)



You could start a timer on single click (that fires shortly after the double-tap-amount-of-time) and kill that timer if the second tap comes in time.


This way you have either a (slightly delayed) single tap event, or the double tap event.

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Typescript example:

        dClickLast: number;        isDoubleClick(o_pointer: Phaser.Pointer) : boolean {            if (o_pointer.justReleased(30)) {                var now = new Date().getTime();                var timesince = now - this.dClickLast;                if((timesince < 600) && (timesince > 0)) {                    return true;                }                this.dClickLast = new Date().getTime();            }            return false;        }
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  • 1 year later...

This is my solution :

var mylatesttap; sprite.events.onInputDown.add(doubleclick,this); function doubleclick(item,pointer){    var now = new Date().getTime();   var timesince = now - mylatesttap;    if((timesince < 600) && (timesince > 0)){     console.log("double tap");   }else{    console.log("don't");   }    mylatesttap = new Date().getTime();}
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  • 1 year later...

Of note, here's a solution for double tapping on a specific sprite

var tapHandler = function(sprite, pointer) {
 if (pointer.msSinceLastClick < game.input.doubleTapRate) {
      console.log('Double clicked sprite: ', sprite.key);


var create = function(game) {
  // Create sprite
  var myFancySprite = game.add.sprite(10, 10, 'fancyspritekey');

  // enable input
  myFancySprite.inputEnabled = true;

  // add event listener
  myFancySprite.events.onInputDown.add(tapHandler, this);


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