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something in phaser 2.0.3 makes my game crash on state change on nexus7


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oke..  i testet the very same code with phaser 2.0.2 and it also crashed - so i sat down for a minute an thought about what else i changed (besides the update to 2.0.3) - there was only one thing.. i added a frame counter:



game.time.advancedTiming = true;fpsText = this.game.add.text(game.camera.width-60, 10, '', { font: '16px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' } );        fpsText.fixedToCamera = true;


 if (game.time.fps !== 0) {    fpsText.setText(game.time.fps + ' FPS'); }

if i delete this framecounter it will not crash anymore on my tablet..   that's really strange..  is something wrong with the way i implement this frame counter? why wouldn't it crash on the desktop just on my tablet (nexus 7 chrome browser) ?? !!


i guess this thread is solved.. but the question remains .. why the hell?

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Does other text work on the tablet?

Does other text with arial as the font work on the tablet?

(Other then the font beeing the problem, I have no idea what could be it.. all your other ingame text hints seem to sprites, so no fonts involved)

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neither text nor font-styles are responsible for the crash - it's showing game.time.fps on state change!


if i make sure that (in the update loop) the text that shows the fps is not updated anymore right before the state change i can prevent the crash.



if gamestate == running : showfps

else if gamestate == lost OR gamestate == win :  dontshowpfs


the moment my player finished the level gamestate is set to "win" and the fps update stops..    thats ok but definitely a workaround for a bug 

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