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Interactive Map


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Hello, I'm new to Phaser and I need some help. So I've managed to create a map on Tiled and then load it into a game, and I was wondering how can I tell if a player clicks on a certain tile on the map and then call a corresponding function. 


Thanks, hnabi94.



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Hi, this example (blank tilemap) may be useful.


It first adds an event for input down which calls the pickTile method

var tileStrip = tileSelector.create(1, 1, 'ground_1x1');tileStrip.inputEnabled = true;tileStrip.events.onInputDown.add(pickTile, this);


function pickTile(sprite, pointer) {currentTile = game.math.snapToFloor(pointer.x, 32) / 32;}

You could then check what type of phaser.tile currentTile is then call a corresponding function with a switch.


Not entirely sure on that method and have only been using Phaser for the past 3 days but hopefully that's helpful.

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