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mummy exmple


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how can i change the mummy direction on the mummy example
mummy walks right to left
here's the code 
function create() {    releaseMummy();}function releaseMummy() {    var mummy = game.add.sprite(-(Math.random() * 800), game.world.randomY, 'mummy');    mummy.scale.setTo(2, 2);    //  If you prefer to work in degrees rather than radians then you can use Phaser.Sprite.angle    //  otherwise use Phaser.Sprite.rotation    mummy.angle = game.rnd.angle();    mummy.animations.add('walk');    mummy.animations.play('walk', 20, true);    game.add.tween(mummy).to({ x: game.width + (1600 + mummy.x) }, 20000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);    total++;    timer = game.time.now + 100;}function update() {    if (total < 200 && game.time.now > timer)    {        releaseMummy();    }}


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You can flip a sprite horizontally by setting it's x scale to be negative.

For instance, change this:

mummy.scale.setTo(2, 2);



doesn't work
i want the mummies to appear in the right side and disappear on the left side
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