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Porkijump - a wip mobile html5 game


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I'm new here and I wanted to introduce myself by showing one of the things I'm currently working on. 

It's an endless jumper targeted to mobile browsers and it's working quite good so far. 

You are basically the hog and jump upwards, collecting fruit on the way and avoid plunging into your death (if possible). Crumbling and moving platforms, poisonous spiders etc hinder your success.


The dotted circle on the screenshot is where you put your finger on the touchscreen, you control the horizontal movement by moving your finger left and right.


Right now I'm implementing bonus ladders for the fruits and I'm also reworking the graphics (because they need to be Retina-ready, which they are not right now). Also the HUD is just debug info and will be replaced with something real soon.



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Thanks for the kind words everyone.


Although I think the contrast of colors should be a bit more clear between the pork and the tree in the background.


Until now the color scheme has only been tested in indoor environments (i.e. my dim cavern). I guess for the final graphics I will settle to a contrast of all active elements to about what the fruit have now, so the hog should stick out a lot better.


Btw, this is the only major tragic flaw on the otherwise quite nice Google Nexus4 phone: even on an overcast day the outdoor light renders your screen content (almost) invisible..

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