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about cannon.js and babylon physic engine


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I dig up this projects. I think that person is able or feels able to creates a plugin by adding physical Oimo or Ammo for babylon.

For me it is too complicated, unfortunately. we'll stay with Cannon. It's regretable. :(

Babylon this want simple, but for physics, this is complicated, expert mode.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I thought. Is that Cannon.js supports the:


Cone (May be useful)

Cylinder (important for the bullet, arrow...)

Capsule (important for the characters, animals...)

Heightfield (important to move the characters, animals, vehicle)


thats all that lack currently has Babylon.js physic.


because currently we box and sphere, but to surround a character a capsule would be ideal. This would be not possible be add to the cannonJSPlugin plugin. 


Then I noted that currently there are meshImpostor. that allows it?

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I just wanted to let you guys know I've taken a stab at implementing an ammo.js plugin. I've gotten spheres, boxes and planes working. I still need to do linking and apply impulse though. I just wanted to mention this because it looks like Bullet (ammo) has all the desired body types and they are basically one to one from Blender which is a plus.




In Bullet's case the MeshImpostor would be the btConvexTriangleMeshShape. Which the documentation says is not as efficient as the convex hull so that makes sense to avoid it. 


So yea, I am probably just going to implement them all if I can find the time. But it may require modifying Babylon a tiny bit to support the other type constants and update the Blender exporter.

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