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Tweening Camera Movement

Sunburned Goose

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Here is a demo of the work.  If you thrust the ship to the lower right, there is a planet that it will try to orbit.  The camera will move from the ship to the planet when the ship enters it's sphere of influence.  I want to make this transition smooth, as if the camera was lifting from the ship and landing on the planet, all the while keeping both objects within the camera's frame.



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I ended up working this out tonight.

// If my camera is already following a targetif (that.game.camera.target) {  that.game.camera.follow(null);  // Unfollow the target  that.game.add.tween(that.game.camera).to( {x: pCenter.x - (that.game.camera.width / 2), y: pCenter.y - (that.game.camera.height / 2) }, 750, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.InOut, true);  // Move the camera to the center of a planet, adjusting for the camera being 'centered' at the top-left.}
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