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Continue moving body in same direction of clicked point ?


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I want my body to move continuously in player clicked direction. I am able to achieve it by this


this.bird.rotation = this.game.physics.moveToPointer(this.bird, 300, this.game.input.activePointer, 0); 


But once the body reaches the active input point it start to vibrate randomly around the active Input point.

I want my body to continue moving in the same direction, go beyond the input point and hit the boundary.


How do i do this??

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the bird keeps on vibrating once it reaches the click point. That was the problem.

Anyways i solved it my self. This is what i did


on click of mouse




game.physics.arcade.moveToPointer(bullet, 300);



and in update method




this.bird.body.velocity = this.bird.body.velocity;


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