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non square Atlas TexturePacker


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I have 2 atlas JSON Array export from TexturePacker. The first one is 2048x2048 and load perfectly, the second is 512x2048 and doesn't load:

this.game.load.atlas('atlas_interface', 'assets/images/textures_interface.png', 'assets/images/textures_interface.json');
Texture Error: frame does not fit inside the base Texture dimensions [object Object]

if i withdraw some images from my texture to get a square (1024x1024), loading works.


Atlas texture has to be a square ?


edit: i use Phaser 2.0.2

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No they don't have to be square. The error you're getting isn't because the overall image isn't square, it's because an image defined in the json file doesn't match the png it was given. Have you got texture packer set to rotate images to fit them in? If so that will break it.

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