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This shows how the original concept is sometimes way more important than the development itself.


I tried it for a minute or two, and liked it. I'm not sure if this gameplay is already used my hundreds of other games, but I did enjoy it. The main issue is the way you control the ship. It's really hard to aim or to move properly. I think you should use mouse only, with automatic firing, while keeping the inertia to keep the same feeling, only easier.


Also, it has to be polished a lot. At the moment, it's still very boring. It could use explosions, special effects, messages popping everywhere, a score that would be always changing... things that would make it a lot more dynamic.


I hope this will help you, looking forward to giving it another try ;)

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Hey Guys,


I bought Hexel today so it was really just a test of combining webgl effects with my first attempts at Hexel.


If I were to pursue it I would definitely take on board your ideas, but just as was said, it's an unoriginal idea and game mechanic and was really just a nice way to put together some art.



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