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new demo: "physics and character animation"


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Hi all,


In case anyone is interested, I published an experiment using physics and character animation in babylon.js, and a short blog post on some of the details.






... basically this shows how to add in a character with skeletal animation that interacts with other physics in the environment, along with some other stuff like sound and input.


Now... if I can just get my rag doll working, I will be happy !

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Very very cool!! :D I'm so glad discovering such experiments on our engine. Nice job.


By the way, I've ported the VirtualJoysticks into a new version from GameFX directly to the core of Babylon.js. It will be released into the next version (1.10). I've created also a VirtualJoysticksCamera using them.



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By the way, I've ported the VirtualJoysticks into a new version from GameFX directly to the core of Babylon.js. It will be released into the next version (1.10). I've created also a VirtualJoysticksCamera using them.


what there will be tutorials and demo of the new features for how the used



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