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Zoom on Mobile + 300ms Tap Delay


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Hi all,


I discovered the 300ms Delay on tap events when viewing my game through a mobile browser.


I added this meta tag: 

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">

But now my game is zoomed in to a crazy level.


Here's what it looks like on my desktop browser:





And here's what it looks like on my mobile browser






Any idea on how to fix this up? It seems to take care of the 300ms delay... but as you can see, it poses another problem.

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Have you considered using touchstart event instead of click? There are downsides with this approach as this event can fire too often (usually can handle this with a healthy mix of throttle or debouncing depending on your use case), but in some cases this approach makes more sense than viewport mangling.

Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TouchEvent#touchstart

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What values did you give the scaleManager, i.e game.scale.maxWidth ?


I didn't! I changed the scaling, that cleared it up.



Have you considered using touchstart event instead of click? There are downsides with this approach as this event can fire too often (usually can handle this with a healthy mix of throttle or debouncing depending on your use case), but in some cases this approach makes more sense than viewport mangling.

Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TouchEvent#touchstart


That did it.


Thanks to both of you.


I now have a lagging issue still on a phoneGap app made from the code, but that's probably something else, so I'll mark this thread as solved. Thanks again!

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