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Temporalily remove mesh from rendering list.


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Hi, I am making a game with dynamic environment loading, I want to remove meshes (also skeletons) from rendering list temporalily so the mesh won't be dowloaded and parsed when it will be added to scene again. Do I need to write my own asset manager? What is the best way (babylon way) to store parsed meshes/skeletons/textures in memory? I know I can use indexeddb but I worry that frequent mesh parsing might be performance hit. Any advice?

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Welcome to the forum, Kolar!


All lights, cameras, and mesh, used in babylon.js, are of class NODE. http://doc.babylonjs.com/page.php?p=24620 .  That means that they inherit some properties and methods of NODE.  [AnySceneItem].setEnabled(1 or 0) might be of some interest to you.  I am just guessing, here.


Large 'groups' of scene items can be parented to a single (maybe invisible) mesh.  You could think of that mesh as a 'group controller'.  Toggle that parent.setEnabled(), and all children... get toggled as well.  In this way, you could enable/disable large chunks of scene... with a single setEnabled() call on an important parent or two.  Lights and cameras can be parents, too.  I do not know if any of this helps, but I thought you should know.  :)

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Yes, 'enabled' can be used too but it's only if you remove/push from/to the same scene whereas what I suggested allow you to push to another scene. I update my previous post to reflect this:


kolar, you have several options, it depends on what you want to do. 

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Large 'groups' of scene items can be parented to a single (maybe invisible) mesh.  You could think of that mesh as a 'group controller'.  Toggle that parent.setEnabled(), and all children... get toggled as well.  In this way, you could enable/disable large chunks of scene... with a single setEnabled() call on an important parent or two.



@Wingnut: Can you set things like "checkCollisions" by using a 'group controller' for a number of meshes in this way? Will checkCollisions progate from parent to children?


@gwenael - pushing and popping meshes - got to play with that ;-)


cheers, gryff :)

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Gryff... that is a great question and an interesting idea, but I don't have an answer for you.  I have not studied collisions at all, speak nothing of how parent-child relationships might propagate collision events.  Others likely know, and if you do experiments in that, please tell us of your discoveries.  thx.

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Thank you for the answer, it makes things more clear for me.

How about removing skeletons? What happens to the skeleton when I remove mesh so there are no meshes affected by this skeleton. In other way, when I write:

BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh(null, "path", "some_model_with_skeleton.babylon", scene, function (meshes, particleSystems, skeletons) {	//skeletons[0] is attached only to meshes[0]	scene.beginAnimation(skeletons[0], 0, 30, true, 1.0);		scene.meshes.splice(scene.meshes.indexOf(meshes[0]), 1);});

Is animation still performing (sending transformations to gpu itd)? Do I need to remove skeleton manually:

scene.skeletons.splice(scene.skeletons.indexOf(skeletons[0]), 1);

And what happens to the skeleteon when I use second solution:

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a great question and an interesting idea, but I don't have an answer for you.  I have not studied collisions at all, speak nothing of how parent-child relationships might propagate collision events.




Well, I created a little experiment - see the "Trigger Zones" thread for details.


cheers, gryff :)

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