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Pixi.js Showcase

Mat Groves

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Made anything cool with pixi.js? Post it up here and share it with the world!


Whether it's a cool game demo, a fully fledged website or some tripped-out crazy experiment, we would all LOVE to see it!


To get the ball rolling, here are some pixi.js projects that exist out on the internets:


















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Pixi was used to create an interactive installation, it was quite interesting as using it for something that was not online or game base... the screen is made up of a set of huge 12 x 1920x1080 TV's.

By pressing a physical button it would swipe across into a different animation, this was done by listening to keypress's and performing a function accordingly.


A version of the application can be viewed here : http://designbuildplay.co.uk/projects/mccglc/bluecoat/

To simulate the physical buttons press use the keys 1, 2, 3, 4


Have to say i love the framework, can't wait to use it on another project which would put it to the test more..

currently reworking a CoronaSDK based game for pixi to smash to pieces :)



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I used Pixi.js to make a game for the Ludum Dare 26 game jam (compo).

I played around during a few days before the jam as a warm-up and found that it was a very nice framework! So why shouldn't I use it?

The good thing for me is that it focuses only on the rendering part (and some interactions), which is very cool because then we can just use whatever we want for the rest.


PLAY HERE: http://jtuloup.github.io/TooManyItems/

Here is a link to the web page on the Ludum Dare web site: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-26/?action=preview&uid=22254

And here is the source, which might still be a bit messy (hey it's jam code!): https://github.com/jtuloup/TooManyItems

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Both of these projects are ace! Well done guys :D



Pixi was used to create an interactive installation, it was quite interesting as using it for something that was not online or game base... the screen is made up of a set of huge 12 x 1920x1080 TV's.

By pressing a physical button it would swipe across into a different animation, this was done by listening to keypress's and performing a function accordingly.


A version of the application can be viewed here : http://designbuildplay.co.uk/projects/mccglc/bluecoat/

To simulate the physical buttons press use the keys 1, 2, 3, 4


Have to say i love the framework, can't wait to use it on another project which would put it to the test more..

currently reworking a CoronaSDK based game for pixi to smash to pieces :)




Great job!!! Great to see pixi.js being used for things like this! Would have been ace to see the installation :)

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I used Pixi.js to make a game for the Ludum Dare 26 game jam (compo).

I played around during a few days before the jam as a warm-up and found that it was a very nice framework! So why shouldn't I use it?

The good thing for me is that it focuses only on the rendering part (and some interactions), which is very cool because then we can just use whatever we want for the rest.


PLAY HERE: http://jtuloup.github.io/TooManyItems/

Here is a link to the web page on the Ludum Dare web site: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-26/?action=preview&uid=22254

And here is the source, which might still be a bit messy (hey it's jam code!): https://github.com/jtuloup/TooManyItems


Great game dude! That was exactly my thinking too... we do the rendering, you make the game how you want :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm publishing a beta version of Game Develop 3, a free game development software requiring no programming knowledge :
The new version add the support for creating HTML5 games which are using Pixi.js for all the rendering tasks ;)

Here are some games created using Game Develop 3 and the new web platform:

( Be sure to have webGL enabled to get a performance boost. On my computer, I can play flawlessly to the two games using Google Chrome. The other browsers are a bit less efficient on the second game ).

You can download a beta version of Game Develop 3 on the official forum : http://forum.compilgames.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=4243&p=38208#p38208
If you've never used Game Develop before, you can take a look at this tutorial ( it is a work in progress ) : http://www.wiki.compilgames.net/doku.php/en/game_develop/tutorials/beginnertutorial2
Any feedback is welcomed ! :)

(The web platform for Game Develop is fairly new, but Game Develop also supports creating native games. Game Develop is flexible enough to let you choose the web platform, the native platform, or both! You can download the official version on Game Develop website: http://compilgames.net/ ).

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  • 2 months later...


I love the way Pixi is designed at the perfect level of abstraction to make it really fun to program. Simple and powerful!


Here's a little project I'm working on. Not sure what direction I'm heading in but it's supposed to be a 1v1 game somehow.


I'm currently working on procedural generation of the space debris, not quite perfect yet.



W, A, S, D, Q



Feels pretty great for less than 300 lines of JS.

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I love the way Pixi is designed at the perfect level of abstraction to make it really fun to program. Simple and powerful!
Here's a little project I'm working on. Not sure what direction I'm heading in but it's supposed to be a 1v1 game somehow.
I'm currently working on procedural generation of the space debris, not quite perfect yet.
W, A, S, D, Q
Feels pretty great for less than 300 lines of JS.



Rad! you are whipping up something pretty cool here :D

Glad you are finding pixi useful too!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I love the way Pixi is designed at the perfect level of abstraction to make it really fun to program. Simple and powerful!
Here's a little project I'm working on. Not sure what direction I'm heading in but it's supposed to be a 1v1 game somehow.
I'm currently working on procedural generation of the space debris, not quite perfect yet.
W, A, S, D, Q
Feels pretty great for less than 300 lines of JS.


Hi, this is quite cool what you've built, it gives a pretty smooth feel, i like it! it made me think of an oldskool DOS game i used to love, called Solar Winds.

That game had a huge free galaxy to do stuff in, for the time (i think). awesome!

If the project you're working on is not active anymore, let me know, i've been waiting to recreate something like solar winds for a long time ;)

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Hi everyone,
just wanna show you a small game example I made for my workshop in Lviv, Ukraine. This is a kind of platformer game which use Pixi.js for rendering, js port of  Box2D for physic/collision detection, Howler.js for sounds, and Require.js for code structure
Short description: hero can go through the world(to both left or right), jump and collect the flares.
The code available on github: http://goo.gl/Rk4O8g and consist of 10 stages, so a developer can start from scratch and go deeper and deeper.
Maybe it will be useful for someone! Code is not ideal because I did not refactored it yet, but in future I want to improve this showcase and make a finished game example.
P.S: to moderator: maybe it is not right place for my post? I can move it somewhere, if need




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hey Son!


can you please tell me what is the problem?

I tested right now and everything works well:


In console:

git clone [email protected]:probably-kira/workshop.git
cd workshop
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3030

in browser:
http://localhost:3030/, you'll see a page with menu links to every stage.


Please give me know if that helps!

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